- Career Information
Learn about specific jobs or sectors directly from employers, educators and industry experts, and receive information about the services and supports available to help you in your career.
- Community Service Information
Learn about programs and services offered by community and government agencies in your area.
- Community Service Information
Accessing Opportunities.
- Education/Basic Skills
Education/Basic Skills
- Education/Basic Skills
Education/Basic Skills
- Employment
- Employment
- Families
Workshops for families.
- Finding Employment
Finding Employment
- Food Security
Food Security
- Health
- Health
- Housing
- Housing
- Housing Stability
Housing Stability
- How do I get There (Career Management)
Make decisions and set goals on who you want to become. Create a plan with detailed steps on how to reach your goals. Identify the resources needed; such as job search supports or applying to training or educational providers.
- Information Session
Information Session
- Job Fairs
An event where you have the opportunity to network with employers and apply for a variety of jobs.
- Legal
- Legal
- Life Skills
Life Skills
- Mental Health
Mental Health
- Other Event Type
Other Event Type
- Other Itinerant Service
Other Itinerant Service
- Physical Health
Physical Health
- Preparing for Employment
Preparing for Employment
- Quality Jobs/Liveable Incomes
Quality Jobs/Liveable Incomes
- Retaining Employment
Retaining Employment
- Service Access
Service Access
- Settlement
- Settlement
- Social Supports
Social Supports
- Training
- Transit Poverty
Transit Poverty
- Volunteer Recruitment
An event where you can learn about and apply for unpaid work placements that will help you gain experience, develop skills and secure work-related references.
- What's out There (Exploring, Learning and Work)
Explore opportunities. Identify occupations and jobs that fit your interests, values and skills. Investigate fields of work or occupations and research local and global trends and educational requirements. Participate in lifelong learning.
- Who am I (Personal Development)
Knowing yourself. Identify characteristics that describe who you are; strengths, accomplishments, values, skills and work habits. Change and grow throughout life.
- Workshop
Pass your mouse over the category title text you wish to click. Click the category title link to view events associated to that category.