Temporary on-street permit parking

Frequently Asked Questions

I have paid for my permit on-line, printed it and misplaced it. How do I obtain a replacement permit?

You can obtain a replacement permit by going to the main page of this application. There is a section called “Reprint permit”. Follow the easy steps. If you require any additional assistance please contact our office at 416-392-7873 or by e-mail at Permit.Parking@toronto.ca

Am I able to purchase a temporary permit for my guest or does my guest have to purchase it themselves?

Either the resident or their guest may purchase a temporary parking permit.

I would like to purchase a temporary permit before my guest arrives but I do not know their licence plate number. Can I still purchase a permit?

The permit must contain the licence plate number of the vehicle. Without this information a permit cannot be purchased.

Can I purchase a permit even though my licence plate number is out of province?

Yes, you may purchase a permit even though your vehicle is registered under an out of province licence plate.

My vehicle is registered as commercial. Can I obtain a temporary permit for a commercial vehicle?

Provided the vehicle is your primary means of family transportation (you have no other vehicles in your possession) and is less than 5.2 metres in length and under 3000 kilograms gross vehicle weight, you may purchase a parking permit. Alternatively, the vehicle must be registered for personal use only. For more information on exceptions on commercial vehicles, please call us at 416-392-7873 or e-mail us at Permit.Parking@toronto.ca.

By mistake I typed the wrong licence plate number. How can I correct this?

Prior to permit issuance you can click the Back button to make a correction.

Is it possible to purchase a permit for more than one week at a time?

Temporary permits are issued for a maximum length of one week in accordance with the permit parking by-law. You can renew your permit one week at a time provided space is available on your street or in your area.

I need to renew my permit can this be done on-line or do I have to come into one of your office locations?

You may renew your permit on-line. Permits may be renewed for one week intervals. Follow the same steps as a new permit purchase.

How can I cancel my application?

You have the option to cancel your application by clicking the Exit button at the bottom of each Web page.

What is a payment confirmation number?

A payment confirmation number is provided once the permit is issued. This confirmation number identifies the payment and is required to reprint a permit. Always record the payment confirmation number.

How can I get a refund?

The City will not refund any amounts paid for a temporary parking permit for any reason including, but not limited to,

  • your supply of incorrect application information (i.e., address, permit date or license plate),
  • your inability to print the permit or properly print the permit or
  • a change in circumstances resulting in no further need for the permit.

My permit contains wrong information. How can I correct this?

Information cannot be corrected once a permit is issued.

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8:30am - 4:15pm
