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Found 19 Results
An ID worker from Partners for Access and Identification Project will assist individuals with no permanent address to secure identification documents such as:
- Birth Registration,
- Canadian Birth Certificate (wallet size),
- Verification of Status replacements (formerly known as Record of Landing), and
- Ontario Health Card
**Available Wednesdays from 1-3pm in Booth 19. Please check in at the front counter.
An ID worker from Partners for Access and Identification Project will assist individuals with no permanent address to secure identification documents such as:
- Birth Registration,
- Canadian Birth Certificate (wallet size),
- Verification of Status replacements (formerly known as Record of Landing), and
- Ontario Health Card
**Available Wednesdays from 1-3pm in Booth 19. Please check in at the front counter.
An ID worker from Partners for Access and Identification Project will assist individuals with no permanent address to secure identification documents such as:
- Birth Registration,
- Canadian Birth Certificate (wallet size),
- Verification of Status replacements (formerly known as Record of Landing), and
- Ontario Health Card
**Available Wednesdays from 1-3pm in Booth 19. Please check in at the front counter.
An ID worker from Partners for Access and Identification Project will assist individuals with no permanent address to secure identification documents such as:
- Birth Registration,
- Canadian Birth Certificate (wallet size),
- Verification of Status replacements (formerly known as Record of Landing), and
- Ontario Health Card
**Available Wednesdays from 1-3pm in Booth 19. Please check in at the front counter.
An ID worker from Partners for Access and Identification Project will assist individuals with no permanent address to secure identification documents such as:
- Birth Registration,
- Canadian Birth Certificate (wallet size),
- Verification of Status replacements (formerly known as Record of Landing), and
- Ontario Health Card
**Available Wednesdays from 1-3pm in Booth 19. Please check in at the front counter.
An ID worker from Partners for Access and Identification Project will assist individuals with no permanent address to secure identification documents such as:
- Birth Registration,
- Canadian Birth Certificate (wallet size),
- Verification of Status replacements (formerly known as Record of Landing), and
- Ontario Health Card
**Available Wednesdays from 1-3pm in Booth 19. Please check in at the front counter.
An ID worker from Partners for Access and Identification Project will assist individuals with no permanent address to secure identification documents such as:
- Birth Registration,
- Canadian Birth Certificate (wallet size),
- Verification of Status replacements (formerly known as Record of Landing), and
- Ontario Health Card
**Available Wednesdays from 1-3pm in Booth 19. Please check in at the front counter.
An ID worker from Partners for Access and Identification Project will assist individuals with no permanent address to secure identification documents such as:
- Birth Registration,
- Canadian Birth Certificate (wallet size),
- Verification of Status replacements (formerly known as Record of Landing), and
- Ontario Health Card
**Available Wednesdays from 1-3pm in Booth 19. Please check in at the front counter.
An ID worker from Partners for Access and Identification Project will assist individuals with no permanent address to secure identification documents such as:
- Birth Registration,
- Canadian Birth Certificate (wallet size),
- Verification of Status replacements (formerly known as Record of Landing), and
- Ontario Health Card
**Available Wednesdays from 1-3pm in Booth 19. Please check in at the front counter.
An ID worker from Partners for Access and Identification Project will assist individuals with no permanent address to secure identification documents such as:
- Birth Registration,
- Canadian Birth Certificate (wallet size),
- Verification of Status replacements (formerly known as Record of Landing), and
- Ontario Health Card
**Available Wednesdays from 1-3pm in Booth 19. Please check in at the front counter.
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