Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee

The Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee's mandate is to provide advice to City Council through the Executive Committee or other appropriate Council on:

  • the elimination of barriers faced by Indigenous peoples including barriers related to City by-laws, policies, programs and service delivery;
  • liaising with external bodies on barriers to the participation of Indigenous peoples in public life; and
  • advancing the achievement of the social, cultural, economic, and spiritual wellbeing of Indigenous peoples.

The Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee is a Council Advisory Body. It may not direct City staff or make binding decisions on Toronto City Council or the City of Toronto. Any advisory body recommendation that requires action by City officials or City Council must first be considered by the appropriate Council Committee and, when necessary, approved by City Council.

The City of Toronto continues its commitment to truth and reconciliation and supporting the Aboriginal right to self-determination by working inclusively with Aboriginal communities in Toronto to achieve equitable outcomes for Aboriginal peoples within their communities and in their day- to-day lives.

In 2023, City Council proposed a new approach for the Advisory Committee and sought input from Indigenous communities on how the committee could work. Learn more about the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee ReviewOpens in new window.

At its meeting on May 22, 2024, City Council adopted new terms of reference for the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee and requested that the committee review and make recommendations for changes to the committee’s mandate or terms of reference. Learn more about City Council's decision and the new terms of reference for the advisory committeeOpens in new window.

Committee size and composition

The Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee will be composed of up to 25 public members with one Member of City Council.

The public members will be representatives of member agencies of the Toronto Aboriginal Support Services Council (TASSC) and representatives of Indigenous organizations identified by the City of Toronto and/or TASSC.

Selection of members

Public members will be nominated by TASSC and recommended to the Civic Appointments CommitteeOpens in new window

The Striking CommitteeOpens in new window will recommend the Member of City Council for appointment.

Chair and vice chair

The Advisory Committee will elect a Chair and Vice Chair, who can act as Co-Chairs if desired, from among its public members at its first meeting or as soon as possible thereafter.

Term of office

Public members are appointed for a four-year term coinciding with the term of City Council.

The Advisory Committee will meet until the completion of its mandate or the end of the current City Council term, whichever comes first.


The Advisory Committee will hold up to five meetings annually at the call of the Chair or Vice Chair.

The Advisory Committee will operate in accordance with the Simplified Procedures for Advisory BodiesOpens in new window, unless alternative procedures proposed in the Terms of Reference by the Advisory Committee, through the appropriate Council Committee, are approved by City Council.

The quorum necessary for an Advisory Committee meeting is 30 percent of members exclusive of vacancies.

City Support to the Advisory Committee

The City Manager’s Office will provide governance, program and administrative support to the Advisory Committee, if requested by the Advisory Committee.

The City Clerk’s Office will provide meeting management support to the Advisory Committee.


Public members of the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee receive an honorarium of $125 per meeting attended, to the maximum number of meetings specified in the Terms of Reference for this advisory body (five meetings).

Public members who serve as Chair or Vice Chair of the Advisory Committee are not eligible for any additional honoraria.

Honoraria are not paid for attendance at sub-committee meetings or events.

Related links


The current and historical Appointments for this body.