Greater Toronto Airports Authority Consultative Committee
The Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) Consultative Committee provides a forum for discussion between community constituents and the GTAA about matters relating to the planning, development, economic viability and operation of the Pearson International Airport and about general airport matters and policies which affect the community.
The GTAA established this Consultative Committee in accordance with the requirements of the Pearson Ground Lease with Transport Canada.
Committee responsibilities
Committee members act as a liaison between the GTAA and their respective community constituent groups.
Committee members are expected to suggest items for the agenda, discuss issues, seek input from their constituent groups on issues, concerns and recommendations and effectively disseminate information to their respective groups.
Committee composition
The GTAA Consultative Committee consists of 19 members:
- the President and CEO of the GTAA, or their designate (as Chair)
- One elected or staff representative from the Government of Ontario, to be nominated by the Ministry of Transportation
- 3 from local municipalities (1 elected or staff representative from the cities of Brampton, Mississauga, and Toronto, nominated by the municipalities - see below)
- 4 from regional municipalities (1 representative each from Durham, Halton, Peel and York to be nominated by the regions)
- 3 members of the public (1 each from Brampton, Mississauga and Toronto, to be nominated by the municipalities - see below)
- 3 business representatives (1 each from Brampton, Mississauga and Toronto, to be nominated by the respective Boards of Trade)
- 1 labour representative nominated by the Brampton/Mississauga or Toronto/York labour councils
- 1 consumer representative to be nominated by the Association of Canadian Travel Agencies
- Two representatives of post-secondary education to be nominated by the GTAA on the advice of the education sector to represent students as consumers and airport employees
Municipalities are permitted to designate alternate Councillors, residents or Councillors' staff representatives to stand-in for an elected representative who is unable to attend a meeting. Designated alternates are encouraged to attend meetings regularly and can vote in the absence of the regular member.
The committee also has non-voting resource members who are appointed to the committee by their respective constituent groups.
Term of office
The successful candidate nominated by City of Toronto is appointed for four years. Members of Toronto City Council are appointed every two years.
In addition to the general eligibility requirements set out in the Public Appointments Policy, members are to collectively have experience and knowledge in the areas of:
- aviation
- airport operations
- air transportation industry management
- noise management
For the member of the public appointed by the City of Toronto, preference is given to residents living in the geographic area of the Etobicoke York Community Council, provided they meet the necessary skills and requirements.
Meeting and Time Commitment
The committee meets two to four times a year in the Administrative Offices of the GTAA.
No remuneration is paid to committee members.
Related links
The current and historical Appointments for this body.
Apply now
Contact Information
City Clerk's Office
12th floor, West Tower, City Hall
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
phone: 416-397-0088