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Toronto Francophone Affairs Advisory Committee

The Toronto Francophone Affairs Advisory Committee's mandate is to provide advice to City Council on the engagement of networks of the diasporas of French-speaking communities in Canada and abroad to provide Toronto the chance to better reflect its shared heritage while finding new opportunities to build a competitive global city.

Committee responsibilities

The Advisory Committee:

  • Identify trends, projects and initiatives within Toronto's Francophone communities that can contribute to the City's social, economic and cultural vitality;
  • Support the economic competitiveness and business growth of Francophone businesses and businesses supporting Francophone communities; and
  • Identify opportunities for the City of Toronto to work with Toronto's Francophone communities to promote increased engagement in City initiatives.


The Advisory Council consists of 9 members, composed of:

  • 1 members of City Council
  • 4 representatives of relevant Francophone organizations
  • 4 public members who have exhibited leadership in Toronto's Francophone cultural, business, community development or other sectors specifically related to the Advisory Committee's mandate

Term of office

Public members are appointed for a four-year term, coinciding with the term of City Council.

Chair and co-chair

The chair will be a member of City Council, appointed by City Council and the committee will elect a member of the public as co-chair.


Public members appointed to the Toronto Francophone Affairs Advisory Committees sit as individuals, unless appointed as representatives of specific organizations, and should have experience and knowledge in one or more of the following areas within the Francophone community:

  • Arts and culture
  • Economic development
  • Business
  • Community development
  • Represent Toronto's diverse francophone communities
  • Working knowledge of the French language would be an asset


Meetings are held twice a year at the call of the Chair, or more frequently if required. The working language of the Committee is French.


  • Public members of the Toronto Francophone Affairs Advisory Committee receive an honorarium of $125 per meeting attended, to the maximum number of meetings specified in the Terms of Reference for this advisory body.
  • Honoraria are not intended for members who serve on the Toronto Francophone Affairs Advisory Committee as representatives of organizations or businesses where they are employed.

Related links


The current and historical Appointments for this body.

Apply now

Applications for the latest selection process were due Friday April 21. Applications are always being accepted for future vacancies on this committee.