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St. Lawrence Market Precinct Advisory Committee

The St. Lawrence Market District is a public asset managed by the City of Toronto which celebrates food, history, community, and vendors and strives to be the best public market in the world. The District consists primarily of 3 core buildings and public use spaces in the heart of the City.

The St. Lawrence Hall is a mixed-use building that is part of the Heritage Conservation District and a National Historic Site. The building borders Market Lane Park that is included in the precinct. The North Market Building is currently undergoing a complete reconstruction to host one of the oldest Farmers Markets in North America and is set to be completed in 2024. The South Market Hall houses 63 small businesses showcasing food and items from around the world. Together, these market spaces have become synonymous with excellence in food quality, variety, and an authentic shopping experience. These qualities have been recognized internationally, with the St. Lawrence Market being ranked among the top food markets in the world and a popular tourism destination.

The Market has served as an anchor for the St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood, as well as an important social, civic and economic hub for Toronto as a whole, for over 200 years. The buildings of the St. Lawrence Market District are key downtown landmarks and are among the most valuable historical sites in Toronto. The District convenes diverse groups of people - merchants and shoppers, rural and urban, locals and visitors, young and old – to buy and sell goods, exchange ideas, and to celebrate community. City staff work in close collaboration with the St. Lawrence Market Precinct Advisory Committee to ensure that the tradition of the Market continues to thrive for generations to come and strives to be one of the leading public markets.

Committee responsibilities

The St. Lawrence Market Precinct Advisory Committee's responsibility is to demonstrate public support and be an advocate for the Market Precinct. The Committee will provide recommendations for specific causes and policies to the Director of Property Management through the Manager of the St. Lawrence Market Complex on the mandate, strategic direction, growth, planning, budgeting, and operations of the Market District.

Advisory committee composition

The St. Lawrence Market Precinct Advisory Committee is comprised of 12 members including:

  • 1 tenant representative of each of the South Market Tenants' Association, Farmers Market Association, and St. Lawrence Hall, excluding Heritage Toronto;
  • 1 representative from Heritage Toronto;
  • 1 representative from the St Lawrence Neighbourhood Association;
  • 1 representative from the St Lawrence Market Neighbourhood Business Improvement Area; and
  • 6 public members with expertise in areas such as Corporate Strategy/Marketing; Food Retail & Policy; Real Estate Development & Building Management; Advertising & Communications; Arts & Culture; Administration.
  • Positions available

    There is 1 position available at this time. If you have questions about this committee or other ways to get involved with St. Lawrence Market, you may contact Daniel Picheca at Daniel.Picheca@toronto.ca..

    Chair and vice-Chair

    The Chair and Vice Chair of the St. Lawrence Market Precinct Advisory Committee are elected by members of the Committee.

    Term of office

    Members of the St. Lawrence Market Precinct Advisory Committee will serve four year terms on the Committee starting in spring of 2024.


    Members of the committee should demonstrate a range of qualifications in one of two areas:

    1. Expertise in one or more of the following areas: real estate, leasing, site and tenant management

    Applicants should also demonstrate in their submission information regarding relevant experience such as:

  • Relationship or experience with the St. Lawrence Market, if they are a regular or casual Market shopper, and attitudes towards St. Lawrence Market.
  • Small business experience or support should also be included if applicable including information such as small business ownership experience, attitudes towards small businesses and types of small business relationships that they maintain
  • Strategic thinking and interest in big picture ideas. Information on related experience in this area are an asset.
  • Supporting the diversity of our community. If you identify as a diverse community member please feel free to communicate this in your application
  • Meetings & time commitment

    The Advisory Committee will meet 6 to 12 times per year. Subcommittee meetings will be held in addition to regular meetings to obtain advice on topics that will require discussions in greater depth and detail.

    Members are required to commit 3 to 6 hours per month to attend committee meetings. General meetings are currently held between the hours of 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. as per the meeting schedule and subcommittee meetings will be held between the hours of 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on an ad hoc basis. Meetings are typically scheduled to take place on Wednesdays and in person..


    No remuneration is paid to committee members.

    Relevant links


    The current and historical Appointments for this body.

    Apply now