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Heritage Toronto

Heritage Toronto was established in 1949 to promote a greater appreciation for the City's rich architectural, cultural, archaeological, and natural heritage.

Heritage Toronto builds a better city by bringing people together to explore Toronto’s shared past and peoples’ lived experiences. Working with the private sector, community organizations, and volunteers across the City, Heritage Toronto delivers walking and bus tours, installs heritage plaques, produces the annual Heritage Toronto Awards and delivers digital programming.

Heritage Toronto is governed by the Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 103, HeritageOpens in new window. As an arm's length agency of the City of Toronto, it holds charitable status with Canada Customs and Revenue Agency.

Board responsibilities

The board:

  • provides advice from a community perspective to the City, civic organizations and members of the public regarding heritage issues
  • promotes and educates the public regarding heritage issues
  • ensures that any privately donated funds received are applied to the specific purpose designated by the donor
  • establishes and manages publicity and public programs, including awards programs, respecting city-wide heritage issues and to otherwise promote public awareness of the city's heritage
  • serves as a liaison with the heritage community and promotes public awareness of the City's heritage resources
  • serves as a focal point for volunteer sector groups
  • assists and advises on heritage master planning matters;
  • carries out such other duties relating to the City's history and development as City Council may assign

Board members also chair and sit on the board's standing committees: Finance and Audit, Development, Programming, Juries, Marketing and Digital Media.

Board size and composition

The board consists of 23 members and is composed of:

  • the Mayor or a Council member appointed by the Mayor as the Mayor's designate
  • 1 member of City Council
  • 20 public members
  • 1 public member from the Aboriginal community

Chair and vice chair

The board elects the chair and vice chair from amongst its members.

Term of office

Public members of the board are appointed for four years.


In addition to the general eligibility requirements set out in the Public Appointments Policy, public members of the board should collectively demonstrate a range of qualifications including:

  • broad interest in and knowledge of cultural, environmental or built heritage preservation, and a good understanding of current heritage issues
  • expertise in fundraising and corporate partnerships
  • expertise in good governance practices, including legal and accounting expertise
  • an understanding of marketing, advertising and public relations
  • expertise in public programming from experience in education, tourism, planning or museum management
  • expertise in history


The board meets at least four times a year, and at any time at the request of a majority of the members of the board, or at the call of the chair.


No remuneration is paid to board members.

Related links


The current and historical Appointments for this body.

19 Vacancy
20 Vacancy
21 Vacancy
22 Vacancy
23 Vacancy

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