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Toronto Atmospheric Fund Board

The City of Toronto established the Toronto Atmospheric Fund (TAF, now also known as The Atmospheric Fund) in 1991 to advance local solutions for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollution emissions. TAF helps the City achieve the targets set out in the Council-approved climate plan by demonstrating and helping scale solutions to climate change in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) through grants, investments, policy advocacy and strategic programs. TAF-funded projects have generated financial savings and contributed to Toronto's emissions being 33% below 1990 levels. In 2016, the Province of Ontario provided TAF with a $17 million endowment allowing TAF to expand its mandate to the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. In 2020, the Government of Canada provided another $40 million endowment to accelerate climate action in collaboration with the Low-Carbon Cities Canada network, bringing TAF’s asset value to $90 million.

TAF is governed by the Toronto Atmospheric Fund ActOpens in new window and the Relationship Framework with the City of TorontoOpens in new window.

Board responsibilities

The board is responsible for:

  • Strategic guidance and approval of annual business plans and budgets
  • Fiduciary oversight and accountability for the three endowment funds totaling approximately $90 million
  • Approval of all investments and grants to community organizations in accordance with established policy, legislation and TAF’s mandate
  • Establishing committees to advise the board, including an Investment Committee and a Grants & Programs Committee; all Board members are encouraged to sit on at least one committee
  • Selection and evaluation of the chief executive

Term of Office

The term of office for public members is four years.

Board Composition

The board consists of 11 members and is composed of:

  • the Mayor or designate
  • 2 Members of Council
  • 8 public members. Less than a majority of the public members of the board shall be non-Toronto residents that live in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, which includes the City of Toronto, the Regional Municipality of Durham, the Regional Municipality of York, the Regional Municipality of Peel, the Regional Municipality of Halton, and the City of Hamilton.


In addition to the general eligibility requirements set out in the Public Appointments Policy, board members should collectively have the following experience or knowledge:

  • understanding of TAF’s mandate and strategic opportunities for advancing urban low-carbon solutions and improving air quality, including: experience and knowledge of environmental affairs and other benefits associated with emission reduction
  • experience with grantmaking, whether through involvement with public or private foundations, community trusts, or government grant programs or via securing and managing grants
  • strategic planning expertise, including marketing and knowledge of demographic trends and behavioural science, and stakeholder engagement, which are key to program design, delivery, evaluation and continuous improvement
  • other professional expertise including legal and accounting which would support TAF's problem-solving, accountability and good governance


The board meets approximately four times a year during weekday hours at City Hall. Committees of the board meet separately.


No remuneration is paid to board members.

Related links


The current and historical Appointments for this body.

Apply now

Thank you for your interest. Applications for the upcoming round of four appointments were due on October 31st. Applications are always being accepted for future vacancies and will be kept on file for two years from the date submitted.