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TO Live

The mandate of TO Live is to provide quality performance and event facilities and to promote its contribution to the artistic, cultural and social vitality of Toronto and its communities. The Board of Directors of TO Live is responsible for overseeing the business affairs and operation management of the Toronto civic theatres, the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts, Meridian Hall and Meridian Arts Centre.

Board size and composition

The Board of Directors of TO Live consists of 13 members and is composed of:

  • the Mayor or a Council member appointed by the Mayor as the Mayor's designate
  • 2 Council members
  • 10 public members

Chair and vice chair

The chair of the Board of Directors is appointed by City Council. The vice chair of the board is appointed by the board from among its members.


Public members must meet the eligibility requirements in the City of Toronto's Public Appointments Policy.

Additionally, public members are ineligible for appointment, and may not continue to serve as a member of the Board, if any of the following conditions apply to them or their immediate family members:

  • the person is a supplier of goods or services to the City's theatre facilities
  • the person has an employment relationship with another performing arts theatre
  • the person has an employment, directorship, ownership or controllership interest in an organization that has an interest in performing or producing live performing arts at the City's theatre facilities


Public members of the Board should collectively have significant experience in one or more of the following qualifications:

  • current or past leadership role in the performing arts sector or another cultural sector
  • community leadership and partnerships
  • marketing and sponsorship
  • financial management and business strategy
  • labour relations

In addition, a youthful perspective, defined as an individual in the 18-30 age range, is a desirable qualification for at least one public member.


The Board meets approximately 6-8 times a year or at the call of the Chair. Meetings usually take place during the day between noon and 2 p.m. at City Hall or at the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts. Board meetings are open to the public, with a few exceptions in accordance with the open meeting provisions of the City of Toronto Act. In addition to board meetings, board members are expected to participate on one of the board's committees.


No remuneration is paid to board members.

Related links


The current and historical Appointments for this body.

13 Vacancy

Apply now

Thank you for your interest. Apply by June 5th for the one vacancy on the board.