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Toronto Licensing Tribunal

The Toronto Licensing Tribunal is a quasi-judicial body that operates independently of the licensing and enforcement functions performed by the City of Toronto’s Municipal Licensing and Standards (MLS) staff. MLS staff administer and issue licences in accordance with City By-laws and thresholds established by City Council.

Companies or individuals who have been denied a licence by MLS staff can request a hearing before the Toronto Licensing Tribunal. The Tribunal also hears cases related to contraventions of the Licensing By-law. The Toronto Licensing Tribunal has the power to grant, refuse, suspend, revoke, or place conditions on licences.

Board responsibilities

The Tribunal conducts itself in accordance with the Statutory Powers Procedure Act, R.S.O. 1990Opens in new window, and is also governed by the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 545, LicensingOpens in new window and City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 546, Licensing of Vehicles-For-HireOpens in new window.

Board composition

The Tribunal consists of seven public members.

City Council appoints the Tribunal’s chair.

Term of office

The term of office for public members is four years.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for appointment to the board, public members must meet the eligibility requirements in the City's Public Appointment PolicyOpens in new window, including:

  • Must be a resident of the city of Toronto;
  • Must be at least 18 years old;
  • Cannot be a spouse, partner, child or parent of a Member of Toronto City Council;
  • Cannot be a City employee or an employee of a City agency or corporation.
  • Qualifications

    In addition to the general eligibility requirements in the Public Appointments Policy, members must demonstrate:

  • an understanding of the Toronto Licensing Tribunal’s mandate
  • an understanding of the Licensing By-law and the Statutory Powers Procedure Act
  • understanding of a field related to business licensing and sensitivity to the various interests and issues
  • familiarity with the concepts of natural justice and fairness
  • excellent listening skills, open-mindedness, sound judgement, and tact and the ability to mediate
  • ability to organize and analyze written and oral evidence
  • demonstrated ability to write a clear, well-reasoned decision that takes into account the evidence, the submissions, the law, and policy
  • a commitment to public service and to upholding a high standard of ethics
  • good interpersonal skills, including the ability to work in a team
  • the ability to work under time pressures
  • flexible work schedule to allow attendance at hearings and business meetings
  • willing and available to attend training programs once appointed
  • Individuals are ineligible if they are current City licence-holders or are engaged in the business of a corporate licence-holder or do not pass the required written test.

    Former members of Council who served in the immediately preceding term of Council are ineligible for appointment as public members.

    Meeting and Time commitment

    Hearings are held weekly on Thursdays by rotating panels of three members. Hearings start at 9:30 a.m. and must begin on time and not be interrupted by telephone calls or other business; members must be prepared to commit themselves to the matters at hand.

    Members are occasionally required to attend special and multi-day hearings

    All new Tribunal members are required to successfully complete a five-day Society of Ontario Adjudicators and Regulators (SOAR) training program within six months of being appointed (unless completed prior).


    The chair receives an annual retainer of $25,000, plus full-day per diem of $460 and half-day remuneration (3.5 hours or less) of $275 for attendance at hearings, business meetings and training.

    Tribunal members receive an annual stipend of $1,500, plus full-day per diem of $460 and half-day remuneration (3.5 hours or less) of $275 for attending hearings, business meetings, and training.

    Members receive a $50 payment for preparing and submitting a written reason for decision.

    Related links


    The current and historical Appointments for this body.

    6 Vacancy
    7 Vacancy

    Apply now

    Thank you for your interest. City Council appointed 7 public members to the tribunal at its March 2023 meeting. Applications are always being accepted for future vacancies and will be kept on file for two years from the date submitted.