Toronto Transit Commission
The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) is the third largest public transit system in North America servicing some 4.5 million people in the Greater Toronto Area with a network of subways, streetcars, buses, and Wheel Trans - a specialized service for people who require accessible transportation. The TTC is continually renewing its commitment to customers in order to create a transit system that Toronto can be proud of.
Board responsibilities
The TTC serves the people of Toronto by ensuring the transit system is reliable, safe, and prepared for the future. To that end, the board oversees matters of policy; planning TTC services; constructing, maintaining, and operating the system; and expanding services and facilities.
Board size and composition
The board consists of 10 members composed of:
- 6 members of Council
- 4 public members
Chair and vice chair
City Council appoints a member of Council as the chair of the board. The board elects a vice chair from amongst its public members.
Term of office
The term of office for public members is four years.
Meetings are held once a month and additional meetings may be called.
The public member vice chair receives a $10,000 annual retainer, and other public members receive a $5,000 annual retainer. Public members also receive a $450 per diem for meetings attended.
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for appointment to the board, public members must meet the eligibility requirements in the City's Public Appointments Policy.
Persons who are owners, employees, or agents of companies that are engaged in business with the TTC, or could be reasonably expected to engage in procurement opportunities with the Commission on transit-related projects, shall not be considered for positions as public members.
Public members of the board shall have directorship and executive-level experience and collectively represent a range of skills, knowledge, and experience with one or more large organizations in the following areas:
- strategic business management, including transformative change management
- financial management, accounting, law, and engineering
- customer service or marketing management
- management or planning with a rail or public transit organization
- formulation and/or management of public-private partnerships
- capital project/construction management or capital procurement/supply chain management
- operations and information technology
- labour relations/industrial safety management
- professional knowledge and working experience of urban sustainability, intersectionality, and inclusive governance
- understanding and/or experience with TTC operations
Related links
The current and historical Appointments for this body.
Apply now
Contact Information
City Clerk's Office
12th floor, West Tower, City Hall
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
phone: 416-397-0088