Toronto Zoo
The Toronto Zoo's vision is to be a dynamic and exciting action centre that inspires people to love, respect, and protect wildlife and wild spaces.
The Toronto Zoo has over 5,000 animals and 1.2 million visitors per year. At 287 hectares (710 acres), the Toronto Zoo is one of the largest zoos in the world. There are four major indoor pavilions, several smaller indoor viewing areas, and numerous outdoor exhibits. The Toronto Zoo is a leader in conservation, education, and research with innovative programs to save endangered species and conserve natural habitat.
Board responsibilities
The Toronto Zoo is owned by the City of Toronto and operated on behalf of the City by a Board of Management. The board is responsible for the Toronto Zoo's oversight and the approval of certain financial and contractual obligations, including:
- working with Toronto Zoo staff to develop strategic plans, goals, and policies and ensuring that these plans are efficiently and effectively implemented
- approving the annual operating and capital budgets for recommendation to City Council
- hiring and evaluating the Chief Executive Officer who is responsible for the Toronto Zoo's day-to-day administration and its staff
- considering matters relevant to the management and delivery of quality programs and services
- being accountable for the Toronto Zoo's activities and ensuring that it complies with applicable legislation
Board size and composition
The board consists of 11 members composed of:
- the Mayor or designate appointed by the Mayor
- 2 Council members
- 8 public members
Chair and vice chair
City Council appoints the board's chair, and the board elects a vice chair from amongst its members.
Term of office
The term of office for public members is four years.
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for appointment to the board, public members must meet the eligibility requirements in the City's Public Appointment Policy, including:
- Must be a resident of the city of Toronto;
- Must be at least 18 years old;
- Cannot be a spouse, partner, child or parent of a Member of Toronto City Council;
- Cannot be a City employee or an employee of a City agency or corporation.
Public members of the board should collectively demonstrate a range of qualifications including:
- financial management
- tourism/attractions marketing
- knowledge of zoos and the role they play in wildlife conservation and education
- largescale fundraising or public-private partnerships, leadership, and partnership development
- general public sector board experience
- a youthful perspective, defined as an individual in the 18-30 age range, is a desired qualification for at least one public member
The board meets approximately 10 times per year or more frequently at the call of the chair.
No remuneration is paid to board members.
Related links
The current and historical Appointments for this body.
Apply now
Contact Information
City Clerk's Office
12th floor, West Tower, City Hall
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
phone: 416-397-0088