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Sankofa Square Board of Management

Sankofa Square is a one-acre outdoor public space designed as a focal point for Toronto's downtown area and contributes to the community's cultural vitality. The Square hosts a range of activities, including community celebrations, theatrical events, concerts, receptions, and promotions, that appeal to residents and tourists and provide a showcase for local businesses.

The Sankofa Square Board of Management was established in 2001, and is the first public-private partnership in Canada to operate a public square. A Council-approved Relationship FrameworkOpens in new window sets out City Council's delegation of authority, expectations and requirements for the Sankofa Square Board of Management.

Board responsibilities

The board manages the Sankofa Square as a business venture in partnership with the City of Toronto and the local business and residential communities, including the Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Area (BIA).

The board manages, operates, controls, and maintains the Square's outdoor public space and activities on behalf of City Council.

Its three objectives are to:

  • create a unique place in the downtown core to promote economic development activities and contribute to the community's cultural vitality
  • provide a balance of commercial and community programming that will appeal to local businesses and residents, and also provide City-wide attractions to Torontonians and visitors
  • promote a high quality of life in a safe, secure, and liveable downtown

Board size and composition

The board consists of 15 members composed of:

  • the Council member for Ward 13, Toronto Centre
  • 5 public members
  • 2 members of the Downtown Yonge BIA nominated by the BIA
  • 1 member nominated by Metropolitan Toronto University
  • 1 member nominated by a local resident's association
  • 1 member nominated by the Corporation of Massey Hall and Roy Thomson Hall
  • 1 employee of the Toronto Parking Authority (ex-officio, no voting rights)
  • 1 employee of the Toronto Police Service (ex-officio, no voting rights)
  • 2 City of Toronto staff (ex-officio, no voting rights)

Chair and vice chair

City Council appoints the board's chair. The board elects a vice chair from amongst its members.

Term of office

The term of office for public members is four years.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for appointment to the board, public members must meet the eligibility requirements in the City's Public Appointments Policy.


Public and interest group members should collectively demonstrate a range of qualifications including:

  • good communication, decision-making, and interpersonal skills
  • ability to work with people with diverse interests
  • sound finance and administrative skills
  • knowledge of economic and community development
  • interest in the complexities and challenges of city-building in Toronto


The board meets at least seven times a year.


No remuneration is paid to board members.

Related links


The current and historical Appointments for this body.

Apply now

Thank you for your interest. City Council appointed 4 public members to the board at its February meeting. Applications are always being accepted for future vacancies and will be kept on file for two years from the date submitted.