Film, Television and Digital Media Advisory Board
The Film, Television and Digital Media Board provides advice to City Council on ways to strengthen and grow the film, television and commercial production industry to ensure the competitiveness and the viability of the sector.
Board responsibilities
The Board:
- provides recommendations and advice to enhance the attractiveness and competitiveness of Toronto for the film, television and commercial production industry
- seeks input from the broader industry to provide coherent advice to City Council on issues and opportunities for the sector
- monitors and tracks marketing strategies that could be used to attract new or return film, television, and commercial production business to Toronto
Board composition
The Film, Television and Digital Media Board is composed of:
- 20 members of the public
- the Managing Director or designate of Film Ontario
- the President or designate of the Computer Animation Studios of Ontario
- the designate from Motion Picture Association Canada
- three members of City Council
Term of office
Public members are appointed for a four-year term, coinciding with the term of City Council.
Public members appointed to the Film, Television and Digital Media Board sit as individuals, unless appointed as representatives of specific organizations, and should have experience and knowledge in one or more of the following areas:
- Production and post-production
- Studios
- Artist associations
- Unions and Guilds
- Marketing and promotional firms
- Communications, media and content deliverers
- Digital Media
- Educational and training institutions
- Suppliers
- Financiers and funders
- Copyright owners
- Support services (e.g. legal, financial, accounting, physical and technical infrastructure companies)
- Partners (e.g. local business, film festivals)
Chair and co-chair
The chair will be a member of City Council, appointed by City Council and the committee will elect a member of the public as co-chair.
Meeting and Time commitment
Meetings are held quarterly at the call of the Chair, or more frequently if required.
- Public members of the Film, Television and Digital Media Board receive an honorarium of $125 per meeting attended, to the maximum number of meetings specified in the Terms of Reference for this advisory body.
- Honoraria are not intended for members who serve on the Film, Television and Digital Media Board as representatives of organizations or businesses where they are employed.
Related links
The current and historical Appointments for this body.
Apply now
Contact Information
City Clerk's Office
12th floor, West Tower, City Hall
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
phone: 416-397-0088