Item - 2025.TS4.3
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by City-School Boards Advisory Committee on February 26, 2025 and was adopted with amendments.
TS4.3 - Backlog of City Approvals for School Board Projects
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Committee Decision
The City-School Boards Advisory Committee recommends that Executive Committee:
1. Request the Executive Director, Development Review to provide an update at the next City-School Boards Advisory Committee on the approval process for school projects and a list of outstanding projects in the City of Toronto.
Some school boards have experienced a wait time of an average of approximately 33 months for city approvals like site plan and city other approvals slowing down renovations, additions or new builds for schools in the City of Toronto.
As you are aware school boards have recently lost childcare funding by the province due to in part the time frames to complete projects.
Although our school boards have not received capital funding from the province in the past two years there are past projects that require city approvals before they can begin the additions, renovations or new childcare and schools.
School boards like any other builder take advantage to construct projects in warmer weather and moreover, school boards attempt to do construction work in school communities when students are not attending school.
All of the members of this committee are aware of the issues facing school boards in completing capital projects.
Background Information
Toronto Catholic District School Board Projects
The City-School Boards Advisory Committee delete recommendations two and three from item TS4.3 so that it now reads as follows:
The City-School Boards Advisory Committee recommends the Executive Committee:
1. Request the Executive Director, Development Review to provide an update at the next City-School Boards Advisory Committee on the approval process for school projects and a list of outstanding projects in the City of Toronto.
2. Request the Executive Director, Development Review to meet with board staff to discuss pragmatic solutions to streamline the city approval process; and
3. Request the Executive Director, Development Review to recommend any possible changes that may lead to less wait time for school boards seeking city approvals.