Item - 2025.IE19.6
Tracking Status
- This item will be considered by Infrastructure and Environment Committee on February 27, 2025.
IE19.6 - King Street Transit Priority Corridor Improvement - Update
- Consideration Type:
- Wards:
- 10 - Spadina - Fort York, 13 - Toronto Centre
February 21, 2025 - A Communications was posted.
The General Manager, Transportation Services recommends that:
1. Infrastructure and Environment Committee receive this report for information.
Transportation Services, in partnership with TTC and the Toronto Police Service, are continuing efforts to support and improve operations on the King Street Transit Priority Corridor. Several efforts have already been taken in 2024 including traffic management support from Traffic Agents, traffic signal timing and traffic signal modifications, and platform and general public realm improvements. Exemptions were also made to allow for the Billy Bishop Airport Shuttle Bus and Toronto Community Crisis Service Vehicles to utilize the King Street Priority Corridor. All of the measures taken to date have improved the operations and safety for all road users along the corridor.
As requested by City Council at its meeting on May 22 and 24, 2024, this report provides updates on the following:
- the effect of traffic signal modifications on transit operations and traffic flow along King Street;
- status update on the automated enforcement strategy to help mitigate the impacts of vehicles blocking the intersections (i.e. block-the-box);
- the proposed public realm improvements, including, but not limited to, mid-block curb extensions, transit bump outs, widened sidewalks, and public realm spaces; and;
- a status update on the King Street working group.
Financial Impact
The estimated cost to implement the improvements outlined in this report is $3,100,000. Funding is available for these capital projects, categorized as a service improvement and enhancement in the 2025-2034 Capital Budget and Plan for Transportation Services (CTP419-03).
The estimated cost to deploy Traffic Agents as required, is included in the 2025 Operating Budget for Transportation Services.
The Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer has reviewed this report and agrees with the
financial implications as contained in the Financial Impact Section.
Background Information
(February 25, 2025) Submission from Adam Roy Cohoon (IE.Supp)