Item - 2025.IE19.13
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Infrastructure and Environment Committee on February 27, 2025 and was adopted with amendments.
IE19.13 - Higher Fines, Faster Towing and Demerit Points for Blocking Snow Routes
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Committee Decision
The Infrastructure and Environment Committee:
1. Directed the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Toronto Transit Commission, and Toronto Police Service, to report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in the third quarter of 2025 with a detailed plan to deter and rapidly remove private vehicles that block Toronto Transit Commission surface route operations during extreme snow events.
On February 24, 2025, the TTC Board passed a motion, asking TTC staff to:
TTC 2.12 3: In collaboration with the General Manager, Transportation Services and Toronto Police Services, report back on the feasibility of increasing fines for vehicles that block TTC surface route operations and removing them quicker during extreme snow events.
During and after this month’s heavy storms, TTC operations were frequently brought to a halt by private vehicles parked where they prevented buses and street cars from passing. Attached is a photo taken on Gerrard Street, where a single parked completely blocked multiple TTC vehicles, including at least three cars, two TTC buses, and a streetcar. Off-camera, another streetcar was also stuck behind the obstruction, preventing countless Torontonians from reaching their destinations.
Private vehicles that block snow routes also prevent effective snow clearing and snow removal by Transportation Services.
Even if the driver were ticketed, the current fine for blocking a snow route is only $200 -barely the cost of a tank of gas for a $70,000 truck. This is clearly inadequate to deter such behaviour, as driven home by the hundreds of such incidents that occurred this month. Higher fines, demerit points and rapid towing are necessary to increase deterrence and rapid response.
This is a matter of great importance for the TTC and for the city as a whole, and it requires close cooperation between the city, Toronto Police Services, and the TTC. If the police need additional tow yards in downtown Toronto, this should be addressed before the next major winter storm.
Background Information
That Recommendation 1 by Councillor Saxe be amended to read as follows:
1. Direct the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Toronto Transit Commission, and Toronto Police Service, to report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in the third quarter of 2025 with a detailed plan to deter and rapidly remove private vehicles that block Toronto Transit Commission surface route operations during extreme snow events.