Item - 2025.EX20.7
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Executive Committee on January 28, 2025 and was adopted without amendment.
EX20.7 - Update on the Implementation of a Commercial Parking Levy
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Wards:
- All
Committee Decision
The Executive Committee:
1. Received the report (January 14, 2025) from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer for information.
Staff presented preliminary guiding design principles of a commercial parking levy to Executive Committee in February 2024. Since that time, staff have completed targeted stakeholder engagement which provided impactful input and feedback, leading to refined estimates and design scenarios for a potential commercial parking levy. Staff have also engaged with the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) throughout the year to determine an appropriate implementation approach and to develop a preliminary inventory for surface parking in the City.
Through this work, it has been made clear that in order to successfully implement a commercial parking levy and ensure it is applied fairly, consistently and clearly, MPAC's involvement is critical based on their unique service offerings. This includes access to property assessment data, support for technology upgrades, and ability to develop and maintain audit, request for reconsideration, and appeal processes. MPAC has indicated that their commitment to participate further in this work is subject to their Board's approval and may require engagement with the appropriate provincial government officials.
Staff are recommending that any consideration by City Council of an implementation plan for a commercial parking levy be deferred while engagement continues with MPAC on their potential involvement in supporting the administration of a possible levy.
During consideration of the City’s Updated Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP), City Council directed staff to develop an implementation plan for a commercial parking levy, in direct response to the City’s financial needs. The LTFP identified a combined operating and capital pressure of $46.5 billion over 10 years. It also outlined opportunities to address these significant and unprecedented financial challenges, including expenditure reviews, new revenue tools, capital prioritization and intergovernmental funding required.
In the absence of sustainable intergovernmental funding or structural changes to the City’s fiscal framework, the City has limited options to implement new or expanded revenue tools and has focused on actions within the City’s direct control and authority to implement. With estimated revenue potential of $100 to $108 million annually, the commercial parking levy may represent a reliable and significant source of annual revenue to the City which could be used to sustain critical municipal services, including transit.
In parallel to work conducted on a potential commercial parking levy, City staff continue to advocate to the provincial government for access to permanent sustainable funding sources that grow with the economy, such as a portion of the sales tax. Staff will also continue to engage on this topic, while confirming MPAC's commitment to support implementation of a commercial parking levy, prior to Council's consideration of a detailed program design. Should the City receive confirmation from MPAC and the provincial government that they will support introduction of a commercial parking levy, staff will report back to City Council with a comprehensive implementation plan.
Background Information
(January 25, 2025) E-mail from Darlene Hebert (EX.Supp)
(January 27, 2025) E-mail from Mary Beth Lato (EX.Supp)
(January 27, 2025) E-mail from Michael Green, Seniors for Climate Action Now! Toronto (EX.Supp)
(January 24, 2025) Letter from Amy Harrell, Executive Director, The Toronto Financial District Business Improvement Area on behalf of BOMA Toronto, NAIOPA Greater Toronto Area, REALPAC, the Toronto Financial District Business Improvement Area and the Toronto Region Board of Trade (EX.Supp)
(January 27, 2025) Letter from Robert Zaichkowski, Toronto Community Bikeways Coalition (EX.Supp)
(January 27, 2025) Letter from Geoff Kettel and Cathie Macdonald, Co-Chairs, The Federation of North Toronto Residents' Associations (EX.Supp)
(January 27, 2025) E-mail from Cynthia Loch Drake (EX.New)
(January 27, 2025) E-mail from Anne Keary (EX.New)
(January 27, 2025) E-mail from Christine Loch (EX.New)
(January 28, 2025) E-mail from Karen Templin (EX.New)
(January 28, 2025) Letter from Kathryn Humphrey (EX.New)
(January 28, 2025) E-mail from Kevin Rupasinghe (EX.New)
(January 28, 2025) E-mail from Christine Bear (EX.New)
(January 28, 2025) Letter from Lyn Adamson, ClimateFast (EX.New)
(January 28, 2025) E-mail from Beryl Pilkington (EX.New)
Melissa Wong, Social Planning Toronto
Vincent Puhakka
Debbie Solar
Shelagh Pizey-Allen
Calum Houston, Harm Reduction Advocacy Collective
Michael Green, Seniors for Climate Action Now! Toronto
Daniel McIntosh
Janice Ariza, Scarborough Rouge Park
Lyn Adamson, ClimateFast
How-Sen Chong, Toronto Environmental Alliance
Kalashree Vyas, Toronto Youth Environmental Council
Brian MacLean, Etobicoke Climate Action
Geoff Kettel, Federation of North Toronto Residents' Associations
Shaurya Gupta, Toronto Youth Environmental Council
1. Executive Committee request the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer to report to the Executive Committee prior to the 2026 Budget process on the feasibility of a City-run administration of a parking levy, including an examination of a graded pricing scheme that has a lower cost of under and above ground parking stalls.