Item - 2024.ZB8.9

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by the Toronto Zoo on February 9, 2024. The Committee received the item for information only. No further action will be taken on this item.

ZB8.9 - Toronto Zoo Cyber Incident

Decision Type:

Board Decision

The Board of Management of the Toronto Zoo received the item for information.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Board of Management of the Toronto Zoo recessed its public session to meet in closed session to consider the item and to hear a confidential presentation as it pertains to security of the property of the Toronto Zoo.


Dolf DeJong, Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Zoo will give a verbal update on the recent cyber incident that is affecting the Zoo.  The Chief Executive Officer proposes that the Board meet in closed session to receive the update, as it is about the security of the property.

Background Information

Confidential Presentation on Toronto Zoo Cyber Incident


1 - Motion to Meet in Closed Session moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)

2:45 p.m - That the Board of Management of the Toronto Zoo recess its public session to meet in closed session to consider:


Item ZB8.9 - Toronto Zoo Cyber Incident


Reason for Confidential Information - Security of the property of the Toronto Zoo.

2 - Motion to Receive Item moved by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie (Carried)

That the item be received for information.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at