Item - 2024.ZB12.4

Tracking Status

ZB12.4 - 2025 Operating Plan and Budget

Consideration Type:


(September 12, 2024) Report from the Director, Finance, Technology and Innovation, Toronto Zoo


The Director, Finance, Technology and Innovation recommends that:


1. Board of Management of the Toronto Zoo approve the 2025 Operating Plan and Budget as attached in Attachment 1.


This report submits the Toronto Zoo 2025 Operating Plan and Budget for approval. The Policy & Finance Committee reviewed the 2025 Operating Plan and Budget on 2024-09-12 and recommended it for approval by the Board.

Financial Impact

Approval of the 2025 Operating Plan and Budget will require net expenditure funding from the City of Toronto in the amount of $13.9 million (an increase of 7.3 percent from 2024 budget and decrease of 14.3 percent from 2023 actuals), consisting of gross expenditures of $72.8 million and revenues and recoveries in the amount of $58.9 million.

Background Information

(September 12, 2024) Report and Attachment 1 from the Director, Finance, Technology and Innovation, Toronto Zoo on 2025 Operating Plan and Budget
Source: Toronto City Clerk at