Item - 2024.TE15.11
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on July 24, 2024 without amendments and without debate.
- This item was considered by the Toronto and East York Community Council on July 10, 2024 and adopted without amendment. It will be considered by City Council on July 24, 2024.
- See also By-law 1205-2024
TE15.11 - 73, 77, 79 and 83 Woodbine Avenue and 3 Buller Avenue - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted on Consent
- Ward:
- 19 - Beaches - East York
City Council Decision
City Council on July 24 and 25, 2024, adopted the following:
1. City Council amend the Official Plan for the lands at 73, 77, 79 and 83 Woodbine Avenue and 3 Buller Avenue substantially in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment included as Attachment 5 to the report (June 21, 2024) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.
2. City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at 73, 77, 79 and 83 Woodbine Avenue and 3 Buller Avenue substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment included as Attachment 6 to the report (June 21, 2024) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.
3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendment and/or draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.
4. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to:
a. submit a revised Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report, to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services; and
b. make satisfactory arrangements to financially secure the construction of any improvements to the municipal infrastructure in connection with the accepted Stormwater Management and Site Servicing Report by the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, should it be determined that improvements to such infrastructure are required.
5. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to review and report back on the feasibility of amending Schedule B of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 925, Permit Parking, to exclude the development located at 73-83 Woodbine Avenue and 3 Buller Avenue from Permit Parking.
Public Notice Given
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Background Information (Community Council)
Attachment 6 - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
Notice of Public Meeting
Communications (City Council)
(July 19, 2024) E-mail from Kevin McGowan (CC.Supp)
(July 23, 2024) E-mail from Ellen Chung (CC.New)
TE15.11 - 73, 77, 79 and 83 Woodbine Avenue and 3 Buller Avenue - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Ward:
- 19 - Beaches - East York
Public Notice Given
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Community Council Recommendations
The Toronto and East York Community Council recommends that:
1. City Council amend the Official Plan for the lands at 73, 77, 79 and 83 Woodbine Avenue and 3 Buller Avenue substantially in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment included as Attachment 5 to the report (June 21, 2024) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District
2. City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at 73, 77, 79 and 83 Woodbine Avenue and 3 Buller Avenue substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment included as Attachment 6 to the report (June 21, 2024) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.
3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendment and/or draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.
4. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to:
a. submit a revised Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report, to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services; and
b. make satisfactory arrangements to financially secure the construction of any improvements to the municipal infrastructure in connection with the accepted Stormwater Management and Site Servicing Report by the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, should it be determined that improvements to such infrastructure are required.
5. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to review and report back on the feasibility of amending Schedule B of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 925, Permit Parking, to exclude the development located at 73-83 Woodbine Avenue and 3 Buller Avenue from Permit Parking.
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Toronto and East York Community Council held a statutory public meeting on July 10, 2024 and notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act.
This report reviews and recommends approval of the applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit a six-storey residential apartment building with 86 condominium units at 73 to 83 Woodbine Avenue and 3 Buller Avenue.
The proposed development is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and conforms with A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020). The proposal also conforms to the City's Official Plan. The residential apartment building is an appropriate scale for the site, compatible with surrounding context, and fits with the with character of the neighbourhood.
Background Information
Attachment 6 - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
Notice of Public Meeting