Item - 2024.TE10.20
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on February 6 and 7, 2024 without amendments and without debate.
- This item was considered by the Toronto and East York Community Council on January 24, 2024 and adopted without amendment. It will be considered by City Council on February 6 and 7, 2024.
- See also 2023.PB12.8
- See also By-law 260-2024
TE10.20 - Designation of the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted on Consent
- Ward:
- 13 - Toronto Centre
City Council Decision
City Council on February 6 and 7, 2024, adopted the following:
1. City Council, in accordance with Section 41 of the Ontario Heritage Act, designate by By-law the area shown on Attachment 1 to the report (December 6, 2023) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City Planning, as the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District.
2. City Council adopt by By-law the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District Plan as the District Plan for the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District attached as Attachment 5 to the report (December 6, 2023) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City Planning.
3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District Plan attached as Attachment 5 to the report (December 6, 2023) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City Planning, as deemed necessary by and at the sole discretion of the City Solicitor, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City Planning, and to ensure that such stylistic and technical changes are reflected within the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District Plan’s policies, guidelines, schedules, appendices and maps.
4. If there are any appeals to the By-law under Section 41 of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the City Solicitor, together with the City's outside counsel and any other appropriate City staff and/or outside consultants to appear before the Ontario Land Tribunal to defend the By-law.
Background Information (Community Council)
Attachment 5 - Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District Plan
Attachment 6, Part 1 - Appendix D of the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District Plan
Attachment 6, Part 2 - Appendix D of the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District Plan
Communications (Community Council)
(December 1, 2023) Letter from Michael S. Goldberg, MCIP, RPP, Goldberg Group (TE.Supp)
Communications (City Council)
20a - Designation of the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act
Background Information (Community Council)
TE10.20 - Designation of the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Ward:
- 13 - Toronto Centre
Community Council Recommendations
The Toronto and East York Community Council recommends that:
1. City Council, in accordance with Section 41 of the Ontario Heritage Act, designate by By-law the area shown on Attachment 1 to the report (December 6, 2023) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City Planning, as the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District.
2. City Council adopt by By-law the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District Plan as the District Plan for the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District attached as Attachment 5 to the report (December 6, 2023) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City Planning.
3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District Plan attached as Attachment 5 to the report (December 6, 2023) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City Planning, as deemed necessary by and at the sole discretion of the City Solicitor, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City Planning, and to ensure that such stylistic and technical changes are reflected within the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District Plan’s policies, guidelines, schedules, appendices and maps.
4. If there are any appeals to the By-law under Section 41 of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the City Solicitor, together with the City's outside counsel and any other appropriate City staff and/or outside consultants to appear before the Ontario Land Tribunal to defend the By-law.
This report recommends that City Council designate the area referred to as Cabbagetown Southwest as a Heritage Conservation District, identified on the map in Attachment 1 to this report, and adopt the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District Plan by by-law under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act.
The designation of Cabbagetown Southwest (the "District") as an Heritage Conservation District and adoption of the Heritage Conservation District Plan will manage change within the District to conserve the area's cultural heritage value through the implementation of contextual policies and guidelines.
The study of the District for potential designation as an Heritage Conservation District was led by Heritage Planning staff and was initiated in 2015 on Council direction. The Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District Study process and the Heritage Conservation District Plan have been prepared in accordance with provincial legislation and Heritage Conservation Districts in Toronto: Procedures, Policies and Terms of Reference.
Background Information
Attachment 5 - Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District Plan
Attachment 6, Part 1 - Appendix D of the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District Plan
Attachment 6, Part 2 - Appendix D of the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District Plan
(December 1, 2023) Letter from Michael S. Goldberg, MCIP, RPP, Goldberg Group (TE.Supp)
20a - Designation of the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act
At its meeting on December 7, 2023 the Toronto Preservation Board considered Item PB12.8 and made recommendations to City Council.
Summary from the revised report (December 6, 2023) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City Planning:
This report recommends that City Council designate the area referred to as Cabbagetown Southwest as a Heritage Conservation District, identified on the map in Attachment 1 to this report, and adopt the Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District Plan by by-law under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act.
The designation of Cabbagetown Southwest (the "District") as an Heritage Conservation District and adoption of the Heritage Conservation District Plan will manage change within the District to conserve the area's cultural heritage value through the implementation of contextual policies and guidelines.
The study of the District for potential designation as an Heritage Conservation District was led by Heritage Planning staff and was initiated in 2015 on Council direction. The Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District Study process and the Heritage Conservation District Plan have been prepared in accordance with provincial legislation and Heritage Conservation Districts in Toronto: Procedures, Policies and Terms of Reference.
Background Information