Item - 2024.TA6.7
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Toronto Atmospheric Fund on April 26, 2024 and was adopted without amendment.
TA6.7 - Grant Allocation Recommendations
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
Board Decision
The Board of Directors of the Toronto Atmospheric Fund:
1. Approved the following grants to be funded from the endowments indicated:
a. $138,000 over 24 months (from the Canada and Toronto endowments only) to the Transition Accelerator to support research, engagement and policy advancement to decarbonize buildings through the adoption of thermal energy networks, subject to the following conditions:
i. development and implementation of:
a. a plan to engage key stakeholders and municipal, provincial and federal decision-makers in the planned research and policy development activities; and
b. a knowledge mobilization strategy early in the project to raise awareness of the policy challenges limiting the advancement of thermal energy networks and specific recommendations for addressing them;
ii. submission of an updated strategy and workplan to strengthen the project’s commitment to promoting equitable outcomes through engagement of equity deserving groups and integration of their perspectives into the project deliverables, including an exploration of opportunities for Community Benefits Agreements related to the development of thermal energy networks; and
iii. written confirmation that adequate funding from other sources has been secured to implement the project as presented in the Proposal and to fulfil the conditions above;
b. $105,000 over 12 months (from the Canada and Toronto endowments only) to the Pembina Institute to support research and engagement activities to secure a strong federal policy framework to transition Canada’s medium and heavy-duty vehicle fleet to zero emission by 2040. (Funded from the Canada and Toronto endowments only); and
c. $110,643 over 18 months (from the Canada and Ontario endowments only) to Bay Area Climate Change Council to engage local stakeholders and advance green development standards in the cities of Hamilton and Burlington. (Funded from the Canada and Ontario endowments only).
This report recommends approval of three grants with a combined value of $353,643.
Background Information