Item - 2024.SC17.6
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Scarborough Community Council on November 1, 2024 and was adopted without amendment. City Council has delegated authority for this matter to the Scarborough Community Council and therefore, the decision is final.
SC17.6 - Establishing a Permanent Memorial in Scarborough Honouring Grant Faulkner
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 24 - Scarborough - Guildwood
Community Council Decision
The Scarborough Community Council:
1. Adopted the naming of the proposed park at 320 Markham Road to Grant Faulkner Park.
On June 30, 2022 the Scarborough Community Council requested through item 2022.SC33.61 that the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, in consultation with the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation report on the feasibility of establishing a permanent memorial in Scarborough honouring Grant Faulkner’s memory, such as a parkette in his name.
Economic Development and Culture and Parks, Forestry and Recreation worked with Strategic Partnerships, and the local Councillor to consult with the Faulkner Family to identify the proposed park at 320 Markham Road as an appropriate location to commemorate the life and lasting impact of Grant Faulkner.
In accordance with the City of Toronto Property Naming Policy, Parks, Forestry and Recreation staff produced and posted a temporary sign at 320 Markham Road advising the local community and park users of the request to name the proposed park.
Background Information
Vote (Adopt Item) Nov-01-2024
Result: Carried | Majority Required |
Total members that voted Yes: 6 | Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie (Chair), Parthi Kandavel, Nick Mantas, Jennifer McKelvie, Jamaal Myers, Michael Thompson |
Total members that voted No: 0 | Members that voted No are |
Total members that were Absent: 0 | Members that were absent are |