Item - 2024.QS4.6

Tracking Status

QS4.6 - Updating All of City of Toronto Relationship Frameworks to include Gender Inclusive Language

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Advisory Committee recommends that:


1. The Executive Committee direct the City Manager to update all City of Toronto Relationship Frameworks to include gender-inclusive language.


(September 13, 2024) Letter from Councillor Chris Moise


This motion seeks to recommend the Executive Committee to direct the City Manager to update all City of Toronto relationship frameworks to contain gender-neutral language. This includes not only the replacement of gender-specific language but also a thorough review of all underlying assumptions that may inadvertently reinforce binary assumptions about gender.

Gendered language, though traditionally used, marginalises certain communities, and exclude others from conversations. By updating our relationship frameworks to employ gender-neutral language, we are taking a significant step towards ensuring our city is inclusive and respects the identities of all individuals.

The City of Toronto prides itself on its diversity, inclusivity, and commitment to equality. This step is a critical part of the ongoing effort to ensure that our policies, procedures, and conduct reflect these values. By making this change, we are setting a positive example for other municipalities, organisations, and businesses—demonstrating that inclusive language should not be an add-on, but a fundamental part of how we communicate.

Background Information

(September 13, 2024) Letter from Councillor Chris Moise on Updating all City of Toronto Relationship Frameworks to include Gender Inclusive Language


Motion to Add New Business at Committee moved by Councillor Chris Moise (Carried)

Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Chris Moise (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at