Item - 2024.QS3.4

Tracking Status

QS3.4 - Progress Update - Response to 2021.EX26.14 - Reviewing City of Toronto Policies Governing the Use of Libraries and City Facilities by Individuals and Groups Promoting Intolerance or Discrimination

Decision Type:
No Quorum

Committee Decision

Due to lack of quorum, the Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Advisory Committee did not consider this item.


This presentation provides an inter-divisional update, as directed by 2021.EX26.14. Staff will present on steps taken to review Divisional booking policies, procedures, guidelines, and complaints processes for permitted use of City facilities, and provide updates and next steps toward strengthening City permitting administration. This is a presentation co-led by Parks, Forestry and Recreation, Economic Development And Culture, Corporate Real Estate Management, and Transportation Services.

Background Information

Presentation from the Manager, Client Service, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, the Manager, Arts Services, Economic Development And Culture, the Manager, Facilities Management, Corporate Real Estate Management, and the Manager, Transportation Permits and Enforcement, Transportation Services
Source: Toronto City Clerk at