Item - 2024.PH9.2

Tracking Status

PH9.2 - Development Review Timeline Metrics - First Quarter of 2024

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Planning and Housing Committee:  


1. Requested the Deputy City Manager, Development and Growth Services, to report to the Planning and Housing Committee with updated development review timeline metrics on a quarterly basis until such time it can be included with all future development review timeline metrics reporting into a consolidated development and housing dashboard.


(January 4, 2024) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Development and Growth Services


This report responds to Planning and Housing Committee's direction requesting staff report development review timeline metrics to Planning and Housing Committee on a quarterly basis (2023.PH6.2). Quarterly reports will include the following:


a. Average timeline to complete the Pre-Application Consultation Process;


b. Average timeline to reach a decision on a Zoning By-law Application;


c. Average timeline to reach a decision on a combined Official Plan Amendment/Zoning By-law Application; and


d. Average timeline to approve a Site Plan Application.


In addition to a description of the metrics listed above, the report provides context on how ongoing improvements to the development review process impact application review timelines in the medium to long term.

Background Information

(January 4, 2024) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Development and Growth Services on Development Review Timeline Metrics - First Quarter of 2024
Attachment 1: Development Review Timeline Metrics - First Quarter of 2024


(January 26, 2024) Letter from Richard Lyall, Residential Construction Council of Ontario (PH.New)
(January 28, 2024) Letter from Colleen Bailey, More Neighbours Toronto (PH.New)


Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Brad Bradford (Carried)

That the Planning and Housing Committee amend the Recommendation to add the words “to report to the Planning and Housing Committee with updated development review timeline metrics on a quarterly basis until such time it can be included with”, so that it now reads as follows:


1. The Planning and Housing Committee request the Deputy City Manager, Development and Growth Services, to report to the Planning and Housing Committee with updated development review timeline metrics on a quarterly basis until such time it can be incorporate included with all future development review timeline metrics reporting into a consolidated development and housing dashboard.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at