Item - 2024.PH9.14
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Planning and Housing Committee on January 29, 2024 and was not adopted.
PH9.14 - Fraternities should not be exempt from the Multi-Tenant Housing Bylaw
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Not Adopted
- Wards:
- All
Committee Decision
The Planning and Housing Committee did not adopt Item PH9.14, as the motion to adopt item as amended failed.
Ward 11 contains a number of fraternity and sorority residences that provide accommodation for four or more students. In exchange for payment, students occupy dwelling rooms that are comparable to the dwelling rooms that will be regulated under the Multi-tenant House Licensing By-law when it comes into force in April 2024. At present, fraternities and sororities are not required to hold a city licence in order to provide such accommodation.
The Multi-tenant House Licensing By-law is intended to ensure that those who pay to occupy dwelling rooms have a safe, adequate and dignified place to live, that the facility is known to comply with applicable laws, and that an owner and person in charge are clearly identified and accountable for its legal compliance.
In 2018 staff delivered a report, Fraternity and Sorority Houses Exemption to Chapter 285, Rooming Houses and through that report, were directed by council to identify licensing requirements for fraternity and sorority housing (see adopted recommendation number three, After that review, staff recommended that MTH licensing requirements should apply to fraternity and sorority residences.
Almost all of Toronto’s fraternity and sorority residences are located in Ward 11. In December 2022, when Council considered the Multi-tenant House Licensing By-law on short notice, staff proposed that the bylaw should apply to fraternity and sorority housing. However, the Ward Councillor had not had an opportunity to consult with her constituents, to meet with the sororities and fraternities, or to investigate whether this proposal was necessary to protect the interests of the students and of their neighbours. Accordingly, this provision was deleted from the MTH bylaw before approval.
In the 13 months since that time, the Ward Councillor has consulted with her constituents and with representatives of sororities and fraternities. Residents advise that the fraternities and sororities in Ward 11 continue to have a pattern of conflicts with their neighbours and limited compliance with city bylaws. The mere fact that fraternities and sororities were not previously regulated does not immunize them from becoming regulated now. Nor have we seen any evidence that regulation under the Multi-tenant House Licensing By-law would prevent fraternities and sororities from providing affordable student housing in Ward 11. The requirements of the Multi-tenant House Licensing By-law are modest and reasonable. Those who live in dwelling rooms in fraternities or sororities deserve the same legal protections as those who live in other dwelling rooms.
Now that MLS has spent more than a year preparing for detailed implementation of the Multi-tenant House Licensing By-law, and that two MTH-related reports will be before the Planning and Housing Committee in February 2024, it is appropriate for Council to revisit staff’s original recommendation to protect students and their neighbours by regulating fraternity and sorority residences under the Multi-tenant House Licensing By-law.
In addition, MLS will be bringing a report to Planning and Housing Committee and City Council in 2025 after the first year of operating under the new MTH bylaw. In that report, staff should review whether a related form of housing should also be regulated by the MTH bylaw: co-operative student residences owned or leased by a non-profit, nonshare corporation that provide housing accommodation on a cooperative basis. No reason for the continued exemption of these residences has yet been provided.
Background Information
(January 11, 2024) Letter from Rick Green, Federation of South Toronto Residents' Associations (PH.New)
(January 14, 2024) Letter from Ceta Ramkhalawansingh, Grange Community Association (PH.New)
(January 18, 2024) E-mail from Elizabeth Sisam (PH.New)
(January 22, 2024) Letter from Mary Ann Passi, Corporate Housing Providers Association (PH.New)
(January 22, 2024) Letter from Aleck Dadson, Board of Directors of York Condominium Corp. 40 (YCC 40) (PH.New)
(January 23, 2024) E-mail from Rita Bilerman (PH.New)
(January 24, 2024) E-mail from Marla Reznick (PH.New)
(January 24, 2024) E-mail from Willy Wong (PH.New)
(January 24, 2024) E-mail from Mary Mueller and Judy Golden (PH.New)
(January 24, 2024) Letter from Louis Reznick (PH.New)
(January 23, 2024) Letter from Geoff Kettel and Cathie Macdonald, Co-Chairs, Federation of North Toronto Residents Associations (PH.New)
(January 25, 2024) Letter from Sebastian Sterns (PH.New)
(January 17, 2024) E-mail from Kenneth Bartlett (PH.New)
(January 17, 2024) E-mail from Matt Cutts (PH.New)
(January 25, 2024) E-mail from Gillian Bartlett (PH.New)
(January 25, 2024) E-mail from Stephen Koszylowsky (PH.New)
(January 24, 2024) E-mail from The R. Hon. Adrienne Clarkson & John Ralston Saul (PH.New)
(January 25, 2024) E-mail from Angelika Hahn and Erich Hahn (PH.New)
(January 25, 2024) E-mail from Alireza Goli (PH.New)
(January 25, 2024) E-mail from John Lea (PH.New)
(January 26, 2024) E-mail from Christopher Chadwick (PH.New)
(January 26, 2024) Letter from Mandy Cole (PH.New)
(January 26, 2024) E-mail from Nas Farzan (PH.New)
(January 22, 2024) Letter from Ian Carmichael and John Caliendo, Co-Chairs, ABC Residents Association (PH.New)
(January 26, 2024) Submission from Kevin Tuttle, SoFra Federation of Toronto (PH.New)
(January 28, 2024) Submission from Gillian Bartlett, Annex Resiidents Association (PH.New)
(January 28, 2024) E-mail from Adam Carson (PH.Main)
(January 29, 2024) E-mail from Anna Tirca (PH.New)
(January 28, 2024) E-mail from Charlotte Mickie (PH.New)
(January 29, 2024) Submission from Joy Connelly (PH.New)
Joy Connelly
Annemarie Brissenden, Kappa Kappa Gamma House Corporation
Anna Tirca, Campus Co-operative Housing Inc.
Kevin Tuttle, SoFra Federation of Toronto
Jamie Paul Rock
Peter Milczyn, PM Strategies
Cathie Macdonald
Paul Scrivener
Councillor Dianne Saxe
That the Planning and Housing Committee amend Recommendations 1 and 2 by deleting the words "City Council" and replacing them with "The Planning and Housing Committee" so that they now read as follows:
1. The Planning and Housing Committee City Council direct the Executive Director of Municipal Licencing and Standards to report to the February 2024 meeting of the Planning and Housing Committee with their advice on whether to apply the Multi-tenant House Licensing By-law to fraternity and sorority student residences.
2. The Planning and Housing Committee City Council direct the Executive Director of Municipal Licencing and Standards to report to the Planning and Housing Committee, as part of their report on the year-one implementation of the Multi-tenant House Licensing By-law, planned for Q2 2025, on whether it is appropriate to apply the Multi-tenant House Licensing By-law to co-operative student residences owned or leased by a non-profit, nonshare corporation and providing housing accommodation on a cooperative basis.
Vote (Adopt Item as Amended) Jan-29-2024
Result: Lost | Majority Required |
Total members that voted Yes: 1 | Members that voted Yes are Michael Thompson |
Total members that voted No: 5 | Members that voted No are Brad Bradford, Josh Matlow, Jamaal Myers, Frances Nunziata, Gord Perks (Chair) |
Total members that were Absent: 1 | Members that were absent are Parthi Kandavel |