Item - 2024.PH12.2

Tracking Status

PH12.2 - Recommended Official Plan Amendment respecting Schedule 3 Complete Application Requirements, Chapter 3 Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report and Municipal Code Amendments respecting Delegated Authority for Minor Zoning By-laws

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on May 22 and 23, 2024, adopted the following:


1. City Council adopt Official Plan Amendment 720 substantially in accordance with Attachment 1 to the report (April 24, 2024) from the Interim Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


2. City Council amend City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 415, Development of Land, and Chapter 169, City Officials, substantially in accordance with Attachment 4 to the report (April 24, 2024) from the Interim Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


3. City Council delegate by-law making authority to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and their designate, for the purposes of minor by-law amendments described in Attachment 4 to the report (April 24, 2024) from the Interim Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


4. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the Official Plan Amendment as may be required.


5. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to continue to update application requirements and related Terms of Reference on a regular basis to ensure requirements are clearly defined and applied to each application type, as appropriate.

6. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to develop and post to the City’s Development Guide standard Planning Application Checklists for each application type, identifying both minimum and additional application requirements that may be required, and report back to Planning and Housing Committee with a status update by the fourth quarter of 2024.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990

Background Information (Committee)

(April 24, 2024) Report from the Interim Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Recommended Official Plan Amendment respecting Schedule 3 Complete Application Requirements, Chapter 3 Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report and Municipal Code Amendments respecting Delegated Authority for Minor Zoning By-laws
Attachment 1: By-law to Adopt Official Plan Amendment 720
Attachment 2: Summary Table of Recommended Changes to Application Requirements
Attachment 3: List of Requirements Considered "Appropriate Plans and Drawings"
Attachment 4: By-law to Amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 415, Development of Land and Chapter 169, City Officials
(April 15, 2024) Notice of Public Meeting

Communications (Committee)

(May 5, 2024) Letter from William Roberts, Chair, Confederation of Resident and Ratepayer Association in Toronto (PH.New)
(May 8, 2024) Letter from Zane Davey, Community Planner, B and A on behalf of Enbridge (PH.New)
(May 8, 2024) Letter from Alex Grenzebach, Interim Chair, North York Community Preservation Panel (PH.New)
(May 8, 2024) Letter from Danielle Binder, Senior Director, Policy and Advocacy, of BiLD (PH.New)
(May 9, 2024) E-mail from Michael Nemanic, Legal Counsel & Development Management, Dunpar Developments Inc. (PH.New)

Communications (City Council)

(May 16, 2024) Letter from Adam J. Brown, Brown Dryer Barristers and Solicitors (CC.New)

PH12.2 - Recommended Official Plan Amendment respecting Schedule 3 Complete Application Requirements, Chapter 3 Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report and Municipal Code Amendments respecting Delegated Authority for Minor Zoning By-laws

Decision Type:

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990

Committee Recommendations

The Planning and Housing Committee recommends that:


1. City Council adopt Official Plan Amendment 720 substantially in accordance with Attachment 1 to the report (April 24, 2024) from the Interim Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


2. City Council amend the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 415, Development of Land, and Chapter 169, City Officials, substantially in accordance with Attachment 4 to the report (April 24, 2024) from the Interim Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


3. City Council delegate by-law making authority to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and their designate for the purposes of minor by-law amendments described in Attachment 4 to the report (April 24, 2024) from the Interim Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


4. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the Official Plan Amendment as may be required.


5. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to continue to update application requirements and related Terms of Reference on a regular basis to ensure requirements are clearly defined and applied to each application type, as appropriate.

6. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to develop and post to the City’s Development Guide standard Planning Application Checklists for each application type, identifying both minimum and additional application requirements that may be required, and report back to Planning and Housing Committee with a status update by the fourth quarter of 2024.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Planning and Housing Committee held a statutory public meeting on May 9, 2024, and notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act.


(April 24, 2024) Report from the Interim Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning


This report recommends amendments to Schedule 3 of the City of Toronto Official Plan, related to complete application requirements. The recommended Official Plan Amendment (OPA 720) clarifies and streamlines complete application requirements, enabling submission of complete applications, timely application review, and decision-making and approval.


Amendments to Schedule 3 are organized in the following categories, with further information about individual requirements included in Attachment 2:

  • Technical/housekeeping amendments;
  • Amendments to reflect changes in legislation or policy; and
  • Plan of Condominium requirements.

Official Plan Amendment 720 also updates Section 3.1.6, Heritage Conservation, detailing a new requirement for a Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report. If approved, the Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report requirement will be added to Schedule 3 of the Official Plan.


Additionally, to support continuous improvement of the development review process, this report recommends a Municipal Code amendment to Chapter 415, Development of Land, and Chapter 169, City Officials, to delegate authority for two types of minor zoning by-laws to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, as identified in Section 5.1.10 of the Official Plan.

Background Information

(April 24, 2024) Report from the Interim Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Recommended Official Plan Amendment respecting Schedule 3 Complete Application Requirements, Chapter 3 Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report and Municipal Code Amendments respecting Delegated Authority for Minor Zoning By-laws
Attachment 1: By-law to Adopt Official Plan Amendment 720
Attachment 2: Summary Table of Recommended Changes to Application Requirements
Attachment 3: List of Requirements Considered "Appropriate Plans and Drawings"
Attachment 4: By-law to Amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 415, Development of Land and Chapter 169, City Officials
(April 15, 2024) Notice of Public Meeting


(May 5, 2024) Letter from William Roberts, Chair, Confederation of Resident and Ratepayer Association in Toronto (PH.New)
(May 8, 2024) Letter from Zane Davey, Community Planner, B and A on behalf of Enbridge (PH.New)
(May 8, 2024) Letter from Alex Grenzebach, Interim Chair, North York Community Preservation Panel (PH.New)
(May 8, 2024) Letter from Danielle Binder, Senior Director, Policy and Advocacy, of BiLD (PH.New)
(May 9, 2024) E-mail from Michael Nemanic, Legal Counsel & Development Management, Dunpar Developments Inc. (PH.New)


William Roberts, Confederation of Resident and Ratepayer Associations in Toronto


Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Brad Bradford (Carried)



1. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to continue to update application requirements and related Terms of Reference on a regular basis to ensure requirements are clearly defined and applied to each application type, as appropriate.

2. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to develop and post to the City’s Development Guide standard Planning Application Checklists for each application type, identifying both minimum and additional application requirements that may be required, and report back to Planning and Housing Committee with a status update by the fourth quarter of 2024.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Gord Perks (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at