Item - 2024.PB20.5

Tracking Status

PB20.5 - 200 University Avenue - Alterations to and Demolition of Heritage Attributes of a Designated Property Under Part IV, Sections 33 and 34(1)1 of the Ontario Heritage Act - Request for Directions

Consideration Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

Confidential Attachment - This report contains advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege. This report contains information regarding potential litigation.


(June 21, 2024) Report from the City Solicitor


The City Solicitor recommends that:


1.  City Council adopt the recommendations contained in Confidential Attachment 1 to this report from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of the confidential recommendations contained in Confidential Attachment 1, if adopted by City Council.


3.  City Council direct that all other information contained in Confidential Attachment 1 to this report from the City Solicitor is to remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor, as it contains advice which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


The owner has submitted Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Heritage Permit applications proposing alterations and demolition of heritage attributes of the designated heritage property at 200 University Avenue to allow for a mixed-use development that included office, residential and retail uses.  The proposal included a 35-storey addition above the existing 16-storey heritage building and a two-storey addition for retail uses on the east side of the heritage building, fronting along University Avenue.


The owner appealed its Heritage Permit applications under Section 33 and 34(1)1 of the Ontario Heritage Act for the subject property at 200 University Avenue.


The owner has submitted a with prejudice settlement offer which seeks consent to alterations to and demolition of heritage attributes of the designated heritage property at 200 University Avenue.  Council requires the advice of the Toronto Preservation Board in respect of matters which may impact a designated heritage property.


The City Solicitor requires further directions for upcoming OLT proceedings relating to the zoning and site plan appeals.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact arising from the adoption of the Confidential Recommendations beyond what has already been approved in the current year's budget.

Background Information

(June 21, 2024) Report from the City Solicitor on 200 University Avenue - Alterations to and Demolition of Heritage Attributes of a Designated Property Under Part IV, Sections 33 and 34(1)1 of the Ontario Heritage Act - Request for Directions
Attachment 1 - With Prejudice Settlement Offer from Kagan Shastri DeMelo Winer Park LLP, dated June 20, 2024 which describes the revised proposal
Attachment 2- Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by ERA Architects Inc., dated June 10, 2024 (excerpts) - Part 1
Attachment 2- Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by ERA Architects Inc., dated June 10, 2024 (excerpts) - Part 2
Attachment 2- Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by ERA Architects Inc., dated June 10, 2024 (excerpts) - Part 3
Attachment 2- Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by ERA Architects Inc., dated June 10, 2024 (excerpts) - Part 4
Attachment 2- Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by ERA Architects Inc., dated June 10, 2024 (excerpts) - Part 5
Attachment 2- Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by ERA Architects Inc., dated June 10, 2024 (excerpts) - Part 6
Attachment 2- Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by ERA Architects Inc., dated June 10, 2024 (excerpts) - Part 7
Attachment 3 - Architectural Plans prepared by KPMB Architects, dated May 21, 2024 - Part 1
Attachment 3 - Architectural Plans prepared by KPMB Architects, dated May 21, 2024 - Part 2
Confidential Attachment 1
Source: Toronto City Clerk at