Item - 2024.PB15.11

Tracking Status

PB15.11 - 625 Yonge Street (Including 627, 629, 631, 633, 635 and 637 Yonge Street and 1, 3 and 5 Isabella Street) - Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement

Decision Type:
13 - Toronto Centre

Board Decision

The Toronto Preservation Board recommends that:


1. City Council approve:


a. the alterations to the heritage property at 625 Yonge Street (including entrance addresses of 627, 629, 631, 633, 635 and 637 Yonge Street and 1, 3 and 5 Isabella Street) in accordance with Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act to allow for the construction of a 70-storey tower with such alterations substantially in accordance with the plans and drawings dated December 15, 2023 prepared by Core Architects and the Heritage Impact Assessment dated December 29, 2023 prepared by The Ventin Group Limited Architects, both on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, all subject to and in accordance with the Conservation Plan satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning and subject to conditions as set out below.


2. City Council direct that it consents to the application to alter the designated property at 625 Yonge Street under Part IV, Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act, also subject to the following conditions:


a. prior to any Ontario Land Tribunal Order issued in connection with the related Zoning By-law Amendment appeal, the owner shall:


1. Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement with the City for the property at 625 Yonge Street substantially in accordance with the plans and drawings dated December 15, 2023 prepared by Core Architects and the Heritage Impact Assessment dated December 29, 2023 prepared by The Ventin Group Limited Architects, subject to and in accordance with the Conservation Plan required in Recommendation 2.a.2 below, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, including execution of such agreement to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.


2. Provide a detailed Conservation Plan, prepared by a qualified heritage consultant that is consistent with the conservation strategy set out in the Heritage Impact Assessment for 625 Yonge Street dated December 29, 2023 prepared by The Ventin Group Limited Architects, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning.


3. Withdraw their appeal(s) of the Historic Yonge Street Heritage Conservation District Plan, and if not an appellant, but rather a party to such appeals, the owner shall withdraw as a party and not seek any party or participant status on the appeals, or advise the City Solicitor, in writing, that they shall not object to the Historic Yonge Street Heritage Conservation District Plan and only maintain a monitoring brief of the hearing on the merits.


4. Withdraw the appeal of By-law 70-2023, being a by-law to designate the property at 625 Yonge Street (including entrances at 627, 629, 631, 633, 635, and 637 Yonge Street, and 1, 3 and 5 Isabella Street) as being of cultural heritage value or interest under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.


b. That prior to Site Plan approval for the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment by City Council for the property at 625 Yonge Street, the owner shall:


1. Provide final Site Plan drawings substantially in accordance with the approved Conservation Plan required in Recommendation 2.a.2 to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning.


2. Have obtained final approval for the necessary Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment required for the subject property, such Amendments to have come into full force and effect.


3. Provide a Heritage Lighting Plan that describes how the exterior of the property located at 625 Yonge Street will be sensitively illuminated to enhance its heritage character to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning and thereafter shall implement such Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning.


4. Provide an Interpretation Plan for the property located at 625 Yonge Street, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning and thereafter shall implement such Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning.


5. Submit a Signage Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning


c. That prior to the issuance of any permit for all or any part of the property at 625 Yonge Street, including a heritage permit or a building permit, but excluding permits for repairs and maintenance and usual and minor works for the existing heritage building, as are acceptable to the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, the owner of the subject property shall:


1. Have entered into a Heritage Easement Agreement with the City required in Recommendation 2.a.1 above including registration on title of such agreement, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor


2. Have obtained final approval for the necessary Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, and such Amendments to have come into full force and effect.


3. Provide building permit drawings, including notes and specifications for the conservation and protective measures keyed to the approved Conservation Plan required in Recommendation 2.a.2 including a description of materials and finishes, to be prepared by the project architect and a qualified heritage consultant to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning.


4. Provide a Letter of Credit, including provision for upwards indexing, in a form and amount and from a bank satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning to secure all work included in the approved Conservation Plan and Interpretation Plan.


d. That prior to the release of the Letter of Credit required in Recommendation 2.c.4 above, the owner shall:


1. Provide a letter of substantial completion prepared and signed by a qualified heritage consultant confirming that the required conservation work and the required interpretive work has been completed in accordance with the Conservation Plan and Interpretation Plan and that an appropriate standard of conservation has been maintained, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning.


2. Provide replacement Heritage Easement Agreement photographs to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning.


3. City Council authorize the entering into of a Heritage Easement Agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the owner of the property at 625 Yonge Street in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


4. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary Bill in City Council authorizing the entering into of a Heritage Easement Agreement for the property at 625 Yonge Street.

Decision Advice and Other Information

Georgia Kuich, Planner, Urban Design, Heritage Planning, City Planning gave a presentation on 625 Yonge Street (Including 627, 629, 631, 633, 635 and 637 Yonge Street and 1, 3 and 5 Isabella Street) - Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement.


(February 26, 2024) Report from the Acting Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City Planning


This report recommends that City Council approve the alterations proposed for the heritage property at 625 Yonge Street (with entrance addresses of 627, 629, 631, 633, 635 and 637 Yonge Street and 1, 3 and 5 Isabella Street) under Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act in conjunction with Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications on the properties at 619-637 Yonge Street which have been appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal.


The application proposes the redevelopment of the site by constructing a 70-storey mixed-use building with two levels of mechanical on the properties at 619-637 Yonge Street which includes the designated heritage property at 625 Yonge Street.


The proposed development is consistent with the relevant provincial and municipal policies and staff are of the opinion that the impacts to the heritage resource on the site are appropriately mitigated through the overall conservation strategy in the context of the settlement of the appeal on the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications.

Background Information

(February 26, 2024) Report and Attachments 1 - 5 from the Acting Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City Planning on 625 Yonge Street (Including 627, 629, 631, 633, 635 and 637 Yonge Street and 1, 3 and 5 Isabella Street) - Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement
Staff Presentation on 625 Yonge Street (Including 627, 629, 631, 633, 635 and 637 Yonge Street and 1, 3 and 5 Isabella Street) - Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement


David Ecclestone, +VG Architects – The Ventin Group (Toronto) Ltd.
Paul Farrelly, Church Wellesley Neighbourhood Association
Adrian Frank, Kagan, Shastri, DeMelo, Winer, Park, Lawyers LLP


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Geoff Kettel (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item) Mar-18-2024

Result: Carried Majority Required
Total members that voted Yes: 8 Members that voted Yes are Koorosh Attarian, Paul Cordingley, Matthew Gregor, Alex Grenzebach, Geoff Kettel, Mitchell May, Julia Rady (Chair), Wendy Wong
Total members that voted No: 0 Members that voted No are
Total members that were Absent: 4 Members that were absent are Robert Allsopp, Yeo-Jin (Katerina) Bong, Parthi Kandavel, Adam Wynne (Interest Declared)

Declared Interests

The following member(s) declared an interest:

Adam Wynne - In that he represents the Church Wellesley Neighbourhood Association at the Ontario Land Tribunal as party-status regarding the development.
Written Declaration:
Source: Toronto City Clerk at