Item - 2024.NY17.11

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on October 9, 2024 without amendments and without debate.
  • This item was considered by the North York Community Council on September 24, 2024 and adopted without amendment. It will be considered by City Council on October 9, 2024.

NY17.11 - 7 St. Dennis Drive and 10 Grenoble Drive - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment - Decision Report - Approval

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
16 - Don Valley East

City Council Decision

City Council on October 9 and 10, 2024, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend the Official Plan in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment 5 to the revised report (September 16, 2024) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District.


2. City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at 7 St. Dennis Drive and 10 Grenoble Drive substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the revised report (September 16, 2024) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District.


3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


4. City Council approve that, in accordance with Section 42 of the Planning Act, prior to the issuance of the first above grade building permit for Tower 2, Tower 3, or Tower 4, whichever comes first, the owner shall convey to the City, an on-site parkland dedication having a minimum size of 1,932 square metres, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the City Solicitor.


5. City Council approve the acceptance of the on-site parkland dedication, subject to the owner transferring the parkland to the City free and clear, above and below grade, of all easements, encumbrances, and encroachments, in an acceptable environmental condition; the Owner may propose the exception of encumbrances of tiebacks, where such an encumbrance is deemed acceptable by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in consultation with the City Solicitor; and such an encumbrance will be subject to the payment of compensation to the City, in an amount determined by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management.


6. City Council allow the owner of 7 St. Dennis Drive and 10 Grenoble Drive to convey 831 square metres of additional parkland (the "parkland over-dedication") as an in-kind contribution pursuant to subsection 37(6) of the Planning Act, in part, free and clear, above and below grade, of all easements, encumbrances, and encroachments, in an acceptable environmental condition, prior to the issuance of the first above grade building permit for Tower 2, Tower 3, or Tower 4, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the City Solicitor.


7. City Council attribute a value to the parkland over-dedication equal to a percentage of 4 percent of the value of the land (net of any exclusions or exemptions authorized under the Community Benefits Charge By-law), as determined the day before first above grade building permit for Tower 2, Tower 3, or Tower 4 is issued in respect of the development.


8. City Council authorize the Executive Director, Development and Growth Services to enter into an agreement pursuant to subsection 37(7.1) of the Planning Act (the In-kind Contribution Agreement) to address the provision of the in-kind contribution of the parkland over-dedication to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Development and Growth Services, the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the City Solicitor, with such agreement to be registered on title to the lands, which agreement shall be evidence of arrangements for the provision of the in-kind contribution that are satisfactory to City Council.


9. City Council approve a development charge credit against the Parks and Recreation component of the Development Charges for the design and construction by the Owner of the Above Base Park Improvements for the on-site parkland dedication and the Parkland Over-dedication to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the development charge credit shall be in an amount that is the lesser of the cost to the Owner of designing and constructing the Above Base Park Improvements, as approved by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the Parks and Recreation component of development charges payable for the development in accordance with the City's Development Charges By-law, as may be amended from time-to-time.


10. City Council recommend that the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division secure through the Site Plan Control process for the proposed development, pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, the owner's obligation to:


a. continue to provide and maintain the 278 rental dwelling units at 7 St. Dennis Drive and 284 at 10 Grenoble Drive as rental housing for a period of at least 20 years commencing from the date the Zoning By-law Amendment comes into force and effect, with no application for demolition or conversion from residential rental use during the 20-year period, all to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


b. undertake improvements to the existing rental building, at its sole expense and at no cost to tenants, at 7 St. Dennis Drive and 10 Grenoble Drive, as follows:


1. automatic/push button doors for main and secondary entrances;


2. a handrail for the stairs in the pool area at 10 Grenoble Drive;


3. a new lobby entrance at 10 Grenoble Drive;


4. enhancement of the secondary building entrance at 7 St. Dennis Drive;


5. improved access to the garbage and recycling areas and/or an indoor recycling/organics area;


6. enhanced outdoor amenity areas and new walkways;


7. adding a new exterior door to access amenity terrace at 7 St. Dennis Drive;


8. new and enhanced pick-up and drop-off areas; and


9. the Owner has agreed to not apply for Above-Guideline Rent Increases for these improvements as well as improvements that have been undertaken within the past five years;


c. provide tenants of 7 St. Dennis Drive and 10 Grenoble Drive with access to all new shared outdoor landscaped areas at grade.


11. Prior to Site Plan Approval for the proposed development, City Council require the Owner to develop a Construction Mitigation and Tenant Communication Plan, including a Parking Plan to mitigate the impacts of construction of the development on tenants of the two existing rental buildings, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


12. City Council direct that before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, the applicant be required to:


a. submit a revised Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report for review and acceptance to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services; and


b. submit a revised Traffic Impact Study for review and acceptance to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990

Background Information (Community Council)

(September 16, 2024) Revised Report and Attachments 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 from the Director, Community Planning, North York District on 7 St Dennis Drive and 10 Grenoble Drive - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment - Decision Report - Approval
(September 6, 2024) Report and Attachments 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 from the Director, Community Planning, North York District on 7 St. Dennis Drive and 10 Grenoble Drive - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment - Decision Report - Approval
(September 23, 2024) Attachment 6: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
Notice of Public Meeting

NY17.11 - 7 St. Dennis Drive and 10 Grenoble Drive - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment - Decision Report - Approval

Decision Type:
16 - Don Valley East

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990

Community Council Recommendations

The Director, Community Planning, North York District recommends that:


1. City Council amend the Official Plan in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment 5 to the revised report (September 16, 2024) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District.


2. City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at 7 St. Dennis Drive and 10 Grenoble Drive substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the revised report (September 16, 2024) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District.


3. City Council authorizes the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


4. City Council approve that, in accordance with Section 42 of the Planning Act, prior to the issuance of the first above grade building permit for Tower 2, Tower 3, or Tower 4, whichever comes first, the Owner shall convey to the City, an on-site parkland dedication having a minimum size of 1,932 square metres, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the City Solicitor.


5. City Council approve the acceptance of the on-site parkland dedication, subject to the owner transferring the parkland to the City free and clear, above and below grade, of all easements, encumbrances, and encroachments, in an acceptable environmental condition; the Owner may propose the exception of encumbrances of tiebacks, where such an encumbrance is deemed acceptable by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in consultation with the City Solicitor; and such an encumbrance will be subject to the payment of compensation to the City, in an amount determined by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management.


6. City Council allow the owner of 7 St. Dennis Drive and 10 Grenoble Drive to convey 831 square metres of additional parkland (the "parkland over-dedication") as an in-kind contribution pursuant to subsection 37(6) of the Planning Act, in part, free and clear, above and below grade, of all easements, encumbrances, and encroachments, in an acceptable environmental condition, prior to the issuance of the first above grade building permit for Tower 2, Tower 3, or Tower 4, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the City Solicitor.


7. City Council attribute a value to the parkland over-dedication equal to a percentage of 4 percent of the value of the land (net of any exclusions or exemptions authorized under the Community Benefits Charge By-law), as determined the day before first above grade building permit for Tower 2, Tower 3, or Tower 4 is issued in respect of the development.


8. City Council authorize the Executive Director, Development and Growth Services to enter into an agreement pursuant to subsection 37(7.1) of the Planning Act (the In-kind Contribution Agreement) to address the provision of the in-kind contribution of the parkland over-dedication to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Development and Growth Services, the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the City Solicitor, with such agreement to be registered on title to the lands, which agreement shall be evidence of arrangements for the provision of the in-kind contribution that are satisfactory to City Council.


9. City Council approve a development charge credit against the Parks and Recreation component of the Development Charges for the design and construction by the Owner of the Above Base Park Improvements for the on-site parkland dedication and the Parkland Over-dedication to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the development charge credit shall be in an amount that is the lesser of the cost to the Owner of designing and constructing the Above Base Park Improvements, as approved by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the Parks and Recreation component of development charges payable for the development in accordance with the City's Development Charges By-law, as may be amended from time-to-time.


10. City Council recommend that the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division secure through the Site Plan Control process for the proposed development, pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, the owner's obligation to:


a. Continue to provide and maintain the 278 rental dwelling units at 7 St. Dennis Drive and 284 at 10 Grenoble Drive as rental housing for a period of at least 20 years commencing from the date the Zoning By-law Amendment comes into force and effect, with no application for demolition or conversion from residential rental use during the 20-year period, all to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division;


b. Undertake improvements to the existing rental building, at its sole expense and at no cost to tenants, at 7 St. Dennis and 10 Grenoble, as follows:


1. Automatic / push button doors for main and secondary entrances;


2. A handrail for the stairs in the pool area at 10 Grenoble.


3. A new lobby entrance at 10 Grenoble Drive.


4. Enhancement of the secondary building entrance at 7 St. Dennis Drive.


5. Improved access to the garbage and recycling areas and / or an indoor recycling / organics area;


6. Enhanced outdoor amenity areas and new walkways.


7. Adding a new exterior door to access amenity terrace at 7 St. Dennis Drive. 


8. New and enhanced pick-up and drop-off areas.


9. The Owner has agreed to not apply for Above-Guideline Rent Increases for these improvements as well as improvements that have been undertaken within the past five years; and


c. Provide tenants of 7 St. Dennis and 10 Grenoble Drive with access to all new shared outdoor landscaped areas at grade.


11. Prior to Site Plan Approval for the proposed development, City Council require the Owner to develop a Construction Mitigation and Tenant Communication Plan, including a Parking Plan to mitigate the impacts of construction of the development on tenants of the two existing rental buildings, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division.


12. City Council direct that before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, the applicant be required to:


a. Submit a revised Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report for review and acceptance to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services; and,


b. Submit a revised Traffic Impact Study for review and acceptance to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The North York Community Council held a statutory public meeting on September 24, 2024, and notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act.


(September 16, 2024) Report from the Director, Community Planning, North York District


The applications propose to develop four residential towers ranging from 40 to 53 storeys (174 metres, 162 metres, 153 metres, and 135 metres, all inclusive of mechanical penthouse) , adding approximately 2,536 new residential units. The proposed residential gross floor area (GFA) will be 139,544 square metres and will provide 760 new vehicular parking spaces, of which 32 are visitor parking spaces and 43 are barrier free parking spaces, and 2,542 bicycle spaces on site. The proposal includes a new public park with an area of 2,823 square metres at the centre of the development. The proposal would maintain the existing buildings with a total of 562 rental dwelling units as rental housing for 20 years, provide on-site building improvements and access to new outdoor amenity areas for existing tenants.


The proposal has been reviewed against the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) (2020), the Growth Plan (2020), and the Toronto Official Plan. Staff are of the opinion that the proposal is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and conforms with the Growth Plan (2020). Furthermore, the proposal is in keeping with the intent of the Toronto Official Plan, particularly as it relates to development in Apartment Neighbourhoods.


This report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law.  The proposed development represents appropriate intensification, maintains the existing rental units, and provides for new public facilities, including a new park and mid-block connections.

Background Information

(September 16, 2024) Revised Report and Attachments 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 from the Director, Community Planning, North York District on 7 St Dennis Drive and 10 Grenoble Drive - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment - Decision Report - Approval
(September 6, 2024) Report and Attachments 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 from the Director, Community Planning, North York District on 7 St. Dennis Drive and 10 Grenoble Drive - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment - Decision Report - Approval
(September 23, 2024) Attachment 6: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
Notice of Public Meeting


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Jon Burnside (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at