Item - 2024.NY11.13
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by North York Community Council on February 22, 2024 and was adopted with amendments. City Council has delegated authority for this matter to the North York Community Council and therefore, the decision is final.
NY11.13 - 26, 28, 36 and 38 Hounslow Avenue - Residential Demolition Application
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 18 - Willowdale
Public Notice Given
Community Council Decision
North York Community Council:
1. Approved the applications to demolish the single family dwellings with the following conditions:
a. that a construction fence be erected in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Code, Chapter 363, Article 7, if deemed appropriate by the Chief Building Official;
b. that all debris and rubble be removed immediately after demolition;
c. that sod be laid on the site and be maintained free of garbage and weeds, in accordance with the Municipal Code Chapter 489;
d. that any holes on the property are backfilled with clean fill; and
e. directed the applicant to provide three community events per year, before construction commences, and to work with community organizations to the satisfaction of the Ward Councillor.
This staff report is about a matter for which Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
In accordance with Section 33 of the Planning Act and the former City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 363, Article 6 “Demolition Control”, the applications for the demolition of six single family dwellings at 805, 807, 811 and 813 Glencairn Avenue is being referred to the North York Community Council to consider as a building permit has not been issued for a replacement building.
North York Community Council may impose conditions, if any, to be attached to the demolition permit.
Background Information
That North York Community Council:
1. Approve the applications to demolish the single family dwellings with the following conditions:
a. that a construction fence be erected in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Code, Chapter 363, Article 7, if deemed appropriate by the Chief Building Official;
b. that all debris and rubble be removed immediately after demolition;
c. that sod be laid on the site and be maintained free of garbage and weeds, in accordance with the Municipal Code Chapter 489;
d. that any holes on the property are backfilled with clean fill; and
e. direct the applicant to provide three community events per year, before construction commences, and to work with community organizations to the satisfaction of the Ward Councillor.
Vote (Adopt Item as Amended) Feb-22-2024
Result: Carried | Majority Required |
Total members that voted Yes: 3 | Members that voted Yes are Jon Burnside, Shelley Carroll, Lily Cheng |
Total members that voted No: 1 | Members that voted No are Mike Colle |
Total members that were Absent: 2 | Members that were absent are James Pasternak (Chair), Jaye Robinson |