Item - 2024.MM16.10

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on March 20, 2024 with amendments.

MM16.10 - Upgrades to Paul Martel Park - by Councillor Dianne Saxe, seconded by Councillor Jamaal Myers

Decision Type:
11 - University - Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on March 20 and 21, 2024, adopted the following:


1. City Council direct the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in consultation with others as appropriate, to report to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee, in the second quarter of 2024, on the feasibility, timing and potential funding for:


a. renaming Paul Martel Park as an Indigenous Botanical Garden;


b. installing a yurt or similar meeting structure in the locked, fenced rear area for Indigenous cultural and environmental activities;


c. improving soil quality and reducing trampling of plant material by installing raised beds in the park and adjacent boulevard;


d. improving the lighting; and


e. installing and maintaining a public toilet once the Toronto Transit Commission has completed its construction work.


2. City Council authorize the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to negotiate and sign on behalf of the City a nominal fee Licence Agreement with Earth Helpers Gardens Inc., to facilitate Indigenous participant horticultural training, gardening and cultural programming at Paul Martel Park, for a three-year term, renewable at the General Manager's discretion for one additional three-year term (six years total) to April 30, 2030, on terms and conditions acceptable to the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.

Background Information (City Council)

Motions (City Council)

Motion to Waive Referral (Carried)

Speaker Nunziata advised Council that the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, require that Motion MM16.10 be referred to the Toronto and East York Community Council. A two-thirds vote of the Council Members present is required to waive referral.

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Shelley Carroll (Carried)

That City Council amend Recommendation 1 by replacing "Toronto and East York Community Council" with "the Infrastructure and Environment Committee" so that it now reads:


1. City Council direct the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in consultation with others as appropriate, to report to Toronto and East York Community Council the Infrastructure and Environment Committee, in the second quarter of 2024, on the feasibility, timing and potential funding for:


a. renaming Paul Martel Park as an Indigenous Botanical Garden;


b. installing a yurt or similar meeting structure in the locked, fenced rear area for Indigenous cultural and environmental activities;


c. improving soil quality and reducing trampling of plant material by installing raised beds in the park and adjacent boulevard;


d. improving the lighting; and


e. installing and maintaining a public toilet once the Toronto Transit Commission has completed its construction work.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at