Item - 2024.IE13.2

Tracking Status

IE13.2 - eglintonTOday Phase 1 Complete Street Project: Bicknell Avenue to Mount Pleasant Road

Decision Type:
5 - York South - Weston, 8 - Eglinton - Lawrence, 9 - Davenport, 12 - Toronto - St. Paul's

City Council Decision

City Council on May 22 and 23, 2024, adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the installation of the eglintonTOday Complete Street Project on Eglinton Avenue from Bicknell Avenue to Mount Pleasant Road, and direct the General Manager Transportation Services to determine the implementation timeline in coordination with Metrolinx and Toronto Transit Commission to ensure it is optimally aligned with the opening of the Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit, to minimize negative traffic impacts due to construction, and to minimize the traffic impacts from the continued operation of existing Toronto Transit Commission surface bus routes in the new Complete Street configuration prior to the opening of the Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit.


2. City Council authorize the installation of the following bikeway projects on:


a. Croham Road from Eglinton Avenue West to Bowie Avenue, contra-flow bike lanes;


b. Glen Cedar Road from Eglinton Avenue West to Dewbourne Avenue, contra-flow bike lanes, the implementation of which is to take place in coordination with the implementation of Part 1 above; and


c. Jimmy Wisdom Way from Eglinton Avenue West to Hopewell Avenue, bicycle lanes and contra-flow bike lanes.


3. City Council delegate, despite any City of Toronto By-law to the contrary, to the General Manager, Transportation Services, until November 1, 2027, for the purposes of implementing and then addressing operational and safety issues that may arise in relation to the projects identified in Part 1, the authority to implement changes and process and submit directly to City Council any necessary bills for by-law amendments to the schedules to City of Toronto Code Chapters on the streets and within the parameters as identified in Attachment 1 to the report (April 19 2024) from the General Manager, Transportation Services, and that such by-laws submitted be made permanent on November 1, 2027.


4.  City Council authorize and direct the appropriate City officials to take the necessary action to give effect to City Council's decision, including the introduction in City Council of any and all bills that may be required.


5. City Council amend the traffic and parking regulations required in Chapter 950, as generally described in Attachment 2 to the report (April 19, 2024) from the General Manager, Transportation Services, to implement the eglintonTOday Complete Street Project.


6. City Council authorize the installation of a traffic control signal at the intersection Eglinton Avenue West and Croham Road.


7. City Council reduce the speed limit from 50 kilometres per hour to 40 kilometres per hour on Eglinton Avenue from a point 277 metres west of Bicknell Avenue to Mount Pleasant Road.


8. City Council approve one (1) new temporary position to oversee the delivery and monitoring of the eglintonTOday Complete Street Project, and associated streetscape plan project delivery, with the duration of the temporary position to be up to three years in length be added to the 2024 Council Approved Operating Budgets of Transportation Services as follows: $96,000 gross, and $0 net, all funded in the approved 2024-2033 Capital Budget and Plan for Transportation Services.


9. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services, to develop a plan for snow clearing suitable for the new Complete Street configuration with consideration for pedestrian safety, delivery areas, and on-street parking spaces, in consultation with the Eglinton Business Improvement Area Alliance.


10. City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services, to continue to coordinate with Metrolinx to ensure that the signal coordination and road configuration at the intersections of Yore Road and Trethewey Road, and Eglinton Avenue West, Keele Street and Trethewey Road be resolved to minimize congestion in advance of the Eglinton TOday Complete Streets Project Installation in Ward 5 - York South-Weston.

Background Information (Committee)

(April 19, 2024) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services on eglintonTOday Phase 1 Complete Street Project: Bicknell Avenue to Mount Pleasant Road
Attachment 1 - Streamlined Reporting Process for By-Law Amendments
Attachment 2 - Technical Amendments
Attachment 3 - Traffic Volumes
Attachment 4 - TTC Bus Stop Changes
Presentation from the General Manager, Transportation Services on eglintonTOday Phase 1 Complete Street Project: Bicknell Avenue to Mount Pleasant Road

Communications (Committee)

(April 25, 2024) E-mail from Adam Rodgers (IE.Supp)
(April 25, 2024) E-mail from George Bell (IE.Supp)
(April 25, 2024) E-mail from Angus MacKay (IE.Supp)
(April 25, 2024) Letter from Colleen Bailey (IE.Supp)
(April 25, 2024) E-mail from Loudon Young (IE.Supp)
(April 26, 2024) E-mail from Nicholas Cole (IE.Supp)
(April 26, 2024) E-mail from Sean Aubin (IE.Supp)
(April 26, 2024) E-mail from Ryan Woodard (IE.Supp)
(April 26, 2024) E-mail from Susan Kirsch (IE.Supp)
(April 26, 2024) E-mail from David Farb (IE.Supp)
(April 28, 2024) Letter from Robert Zaichkowski (IE.Supp)
(April 28, 2024) E-mail from Kate Cheung (IE.Supp)
(April 28, 2024) E-mail from Ian Worling (IE.Supp)
(April 28, 2024) E-mail from Piotr Sepski (IE.Supp)
(April 28, 2024) E-mail from Jocelyn Lambert Squires, MArch MRAIC (IE.Supp)
(April 29, 2024) E-mail from Hamish Wilson (IE.Supp)
(April 29, 2024) E-mail from Michael Kaufman (IE.Supp)
(April 29, 2024) Submission from Matthew Gerry (IE.Supp)
(April 29, 2024) E-mail from Saul Goodman (IE.Supp)
(April 29, 2024) Letter from Mary Helen Spence (IE.Supp)
(April 29, 2024) Letter from David Lepofsky, on behalf of Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance (IE.Supp)
(April 29, 2024) E-mail from Despina Melohe (IE.Supp)
(April 29, 2024) Submission from Arthur Gron (IE.Supp)
(April 30, 2024) E-mail from Graeme Woods (IE.Supp)
(April 30, 2024) Letter from Maureen Kapral, President, Lytton Park Residents’ Organization (IE.Supp)
(April 30, 2024) Letter from Geoff Kettel, Holly Reid and Najia Zewari, Cycle Don Valley Midtown Executive (IE.Supp)
(April 30, 2024) E-mail from Joe Goodman (IE.Supp)
(April 30, 2024) Letter from Najia Zewari, Founder, Women's Cycling Network (IE.Supp)
(April 30, 2024) Letter from Jay Brown, Director, Etobicoke Cycling Club (IE.Supp)
(April 30, 2024) E-mail from Jonathan Schmidt, on behalf of Toronto East Cyclists (IE.Supp)
(April 30, 2024) Letter from Robin Richardson, on behalf of Yonge4All (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) Letter from Lanrick Bennett Jr. (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Colin Wood (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Gideon Forman, Climate Change and Transportation Policy Analyst, The David Suzuki Foundation (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Bas de Beer, Founder, Go Dutch (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) Letter from Maureen Sirois, Chair, The Eglinton Way BIA (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from James Young, CycleTO Midtown (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Natasha Pirani (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from J. Geoff Loughton (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Jeremy Elliott (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Ingrid Buday (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) Letter from Shelagh Pizey-Allen, Executive Director, TTCriders (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Ralph Callebert (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Nolan Xuereb (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Sara Cowan (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Peter Burnside (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Debbie Green (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Richard Underhill (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Alena Parkinson (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) Multiple Communications from 199 individuals on the Complete Street Network with similar text received from April 27, 2024 8:56 p.m. to May 1, 2024 11:07 p.m. (IE.Supp)
(May 2, 2024) Multiple Communications from 121 individuals on the Rollout of the Cycling Network Plan with similar text received from April 25, 2024 8:02 p.m. to May 2, 2024 5:59 a.m. (IE.Supp)
(May 2, 2024) E-mail from Christine Skobe (IE.Supp)
(May 2, 2024) Letter from Stephen Job, AICP, Vice President, Tenblock (IE.Supp)
(May 2, 2024) Letter from Sophie Milman on behalf of The Cedarvale and Upper Village Community Group (IE.New)
(May 2, 2024) E-mail from Brock Howes (IE.Supp)
(May 2, 2024) E-mail from Josh Davis (IE.Supp)

Communications (City Council)

(May 2, 2024) E-mail from Michael Sidarose (CC.Main)
(May 2, 2024) E-mail from David Louie (CC.Main)
(May 3, 2024) E-mail from Jack Kirchhoff (CC.Main)
(May 4, 2024) E-mail from Hoang Letien (CC.Main)
(May 4, 2024) E-mail from Arthur Rozumek (CC.Main)
(May 9, 2024) E-mail from Lola Landekic (CC.Main)
(May 11, 2024) E-mail from Jorge Robles (CC.Main)
(May 12, 2024) E-mail from Dennis Wheeler (CC.Main)
(May 17, 2024) E-mail from Adam Rodgers (CC.Supp)
(May 21, 2024) E-mail from Luis Ledesma (CC.Supp)
(May 21, 2024) E-mail from Joe Goodman (CC.Supp)
(May 21, 2024) Letter from Michael Black, Walk Toronto (CC.Supp)
(May 18, 2024) E-mail from Holly Reid (CC.Supp)
(May 18, 2024) E-mail from Linda Rowe (CC.Supp)
(May 18, 2024) E-mail from Michael Holloway (CC.Supp)
(May 18, 2024) E-mail from Gray E Taylor (CC.Supp)
(May 22, 2024) E-mail from Ben Singer (CC.New)
(May 22, 2024) E-mail from Geoff Kettel (CC.New)
(May 22, 2024) E-mail from Amir Aviram (CC.New)

Motions (City Council)

1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Frances Nunziata (Carried)



1. City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to continue to coordinate with Metrolinx to ensure that the signal coordination and road configuration at the intersections of Yore Road and Trethewey Road, and Eglinton Avenue West, Keele Street and Trethewey Road be resolved to minimize congestion in advance of the Eglinton TOday Complete Streets Project Installation in Ward 5 - York South-Weston. 

Vote (Amend Item (Additional)) May-23-2024 5:56 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - IE13.2 - Nunziata - motion 1
Total members that voted Yes: 19 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Alejandra Bravo, Jon Burnside, Lily Cheng, Olivia Chow, Mike Colle, Paula Fletcher, Parthi Kandavel, Ausma Malik, Nick Mantas, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Amber Morley, Jamaal Myers, Frances Nunziata (Chair), James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Dianne Saxe
Total members that voted No: 1 Members that voted No are Stephen Holyday
Total members that were Absent: 5 Members that were absent are Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Vincent Crisanti, Chris Moise, Michael Thompson

2 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Josh Matlow (Carried)



1. City Council amend Infrastructure and Environment Committee Recommendation 2.b. by adding the words "the implementation of which is to take place in coordination with the implementation of Recommendation 1 above" so that it now reads as follows:


2. City Council authorize the installation of the following bikeway projects on:


a. Croham Road from Eglinton Avenue West to Bowie Avenue, contra-flow bike lanes;


b. Glen Cedar Road from Eglinton Avenue West to Dewbourne Avenue, contra-flow bike lanes, the implementation of which is to take place in coordination with the implementation of Recommendation 1 above; and


c. Jimmy Wisdom Way from Eglinton Avenue West to Hopewell Avenue, bicycle lanes and contra-flow bike lanes.


Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item as Amended) May-23-2024 5:57 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - IE13.2 - Adopt the Item as amended
Total members that voted Yes: 20 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Alejandra Bravo, Jon Burnside, Lily Cheng, Olivia Chow, Mike Colle, Paula Fletcher, Parthi Kandavel, Ausma Malik, Nick Mantas, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Chris Moise, Amber Morley, Jamaal Myers, Frances Nunziata (Chair), James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Dianne Saxe
Total members that voted No: 1 Members that voted No are Stephen Holyday
Total members that were Absent: 4 Members that were absent are Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Vincent Crisanti, Michael Thompson

IE13.2 - eglintonTOday Phase 1 Complete Street Project: Bicknell Avenue to Mount Pleasant Road

Decision Type:
5 - York South - Weston, 8 - Eglinton - Lawrence, 9 - Davenport, 12 - Toronto - St. Paul's

Committee Recommendations

The Infrastructure and Environment Committee recommends that:


1. City Council authorize the installation of the eglintonTOday Complete Street Project on Eglinton Avenue from Bicknell Avenue to Mount Pleasant Road, and direct the General Manager Transportation Services to determine the implementation timeline in coordination with Metrolinx and Toronto Transit Commission to ensure it is optimally aligned with the opening of the Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit (ECLRT), to minimize negative traffic impacts due to construction, and to minimize the traffic impacts from the continued operation of existing TTC surface bus routes in the new Complete Street configuration prior to the opening of the Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit.


2. City Council authorize the installation of the following bikeway projects on:


a. Croham Road from Eglinton Avenue West to Bowie Avenue, contra-flow bike lanes;


b. Glen Cedar Road from Eglinton Avenue West to Dewbourne Avenue, contra-flow bike lanes; and


c. Jimmy Wisdom Way from Eglinton Avenue West to Hopewell Avenue, bicycle lanes and contra-flow bike lanes.


3. City Council delegate, despite any City of Toronto By-law to the contrary, to the General Manager, Transportation Services, until November 1, 2027, for the purposes of implementing and then addressing operational and safety issues that may arise in relation to the projects identified in Recommendation 1, the authority to implement changes and process and submit directly to Council any necessary bills for by-law amendments to the schedules to City of Toronto Code Chapters on the streets and within the parameters as identified in Attachment 1 to the report (April 19 2024) from the General Manager, Transportation Services, and that such by-laws submitted be made permanent on November 1, 2027.


4.  City Council authorize and direct the appropriate City officials to take the necessary action to give effect to Council's decision, including the introduction in Council of any and all bills that may be required.


5. City Council amend the traffic and parking regulations required in Chapter 950, as generally described in Attachment 2 - Technical Amendments to the report (April 19 2024) from the General Manager, Transportation Services, to implement the eglintonTOday Complete Street Project.


6. City Council authorize the installation of a traffic control signal at the intersection Eglinton Avenue West and Croham Road.


7. City Council reduce the speed limit from 50 kilometres per hour to 40 kilometres per hour on Eglinton Avenue from a point 277 metres west of Bicknell Avenue to Mount Pleasant Road.


8. City Council approve one (1) new temporary position to oversee the delivery and monitoring of the eglintonTOday Complete Street Project, and associated streetscape plan project delivery, with the duration of the temporary position to be up to three years in length be added to the 2024 Council Approved Operating Budgets of Transportation Services as follows: $96,000 gross, and $0 net, all funded in the approved 2024-2033 Capital Budget and Plan for Transportation Services.


9. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to develop a plan for snow clearing suitable for the new Complete Street configuration with consideration for pedestrian safety, delivery areas and on-street parking spaces, in consultation with the Eglinton Business Improvement Area Alliance.

Decision Advice and Other Information

Jacquelyn Hayward, Director, Planning, Design and Management, Transportation Services, gave presentation on eglintonTOday Phase 1 Complete Street Project: Bicknell Avenue to Mount Pleasant Road.


(April 19, 2024) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services


With Metrolinx's construction of the Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit nearing completion, Transportation Services has been preparing to complete roadway resurfacing of the Eglinton Avenue corridor, including the installation of the eglintonTOday Complete Street Project between Bicknell Avenue and Mount Pleasant Road - marking the end of over a decade of construction.


The City-Council endorsed Eglinton Connects plan articulates a vision for Eglinton Avenue as a complete street with wide sidewalks, raised bikeways, motor vehicle parking and rapid transit, and is aligned with the City's Vision Zero Road Safety Plan, TransformTO Net Zero Strategy and Cycling Network Plan policy goals.


The eglintonTOday project seeks to build on the transit investment in order to achieve key elements of the Eglinton Connects vision. The project design was developed with two years of public, business, and resident group feedback, extensive traffic analysis, and a context-sensitive approach making the street safer, more inviting, and attractive, while maintaining access for people who drive.


As part of this project, three north-south local bikeways connecting Eglinton Avenue and nearby trails are proposed on Croham Road, Glen Cedar Road, and Jimmy Wisdom Way.


The purpose of this report is to seek Council authority to install 8.06 centreline kilometres of new complete street features including bikeways along with the resurfacing of Eglinton Avenue. The proposed bikeways will close the gaps between the existing disconnected cycle tracks built at the frontages of 9 above-ground Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit stations, and west of Bicknell Avenue and between Avenue Road and Holly Street, and provide connecting local cycling routes, on the following streets:


- Eglinton Avenue: Bicknell Avenue to Mount Pleasant Road (cycle tracks, Wards 5, 8, 9, and 12)


- Croham Road: Eglinton Avenue West to Bowie Avenue (contra-flow bike lanes, Ward 8)


- Glen Cedar Road: Eglinton Avenue West to Dewbourne Avenue (contra-flow bike lanes, Ward 12)


- Jimmy Wisdom Way: Eglinton Avenue West to Hopewell Avenue (bicycle lanes and contra-flow bike lanes, Ward 8)


The project proposes to implement complete street features including cycle tracks, curb extensions, pedestrian head start signals, and public realm upgrades on Eglinton Avenue between Bicknell Avenue and Mount Pleasant Road by reassigning some of the existing vehicular space to accommodate parking, bikeways, seasonal patio extensions, and other complete street features, and to fit within the existing curb to curb space:


- Between Keele Street and Caledonia Road, two westbound motor vehicle lanes and one eastbound motor vehicle lane are proposed to be maintained, generally with on-street parking on one side.


- Between Caledonia Road and Oakwood Avenue, one motor vehicle lane in each direction are proposed to be maintained with parking on both sides.


- Between Oakwood Avenue and Spadina Road, two westbound and two eastbound motor vehicle lanes are proposed to be maintained in the peak hours, with off-peak parking allowed in both curb lanes.


- Between Spadina Road and Mount Pleasant Road, one westbound and one eastbound motor vehicle lane with parking on one side is proposed to be maintained to match the Metrolinx delivered section between Yonge Street and Avenue Road.


If the continuous cycle tracks are not approved for installation, Transportation Services would recommend that the short segments of disconnected cycle tracks already built in front of the underground stations be closed. Without connecting bikeways, these short segments have limited utility for people cycling and would require people cycling to merge in and out of higher speed motor vehicle lanes, resulting in safety issues and confusion around where people cycling should be on the road.   


Subject to approval from Council, Transportation Services would implement the complete street project between Bicknell Avenue and Mount Pleasant Road starting in summer 2024, in conjunction with road resurfacing, sidewalk repair, and TTC bus stop changes to prepare for the opening of the Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit.


In the vicinity of the Eglinton Avenue and Allen Road intersection, the complete street project for the section between Old Park Road / Glen Cedar Road and Marlee Avenue would be implemented only after adjustments are made to improve traffic operations at the intersection.


There are five Business Improvement Areas within the project limits. The Business Improvement Areas are at the initial stages of planning for near term streetscape enhancements. Business Improvement Area streetscape plans will identify elements such as parkettes, gateway features, enhanced pedestrian infrastructure, green infrastructure, street furniture, lighting, activation strategies, branding opportunities, bicycle parking and maintenance and management guidelines. 


Transportation Services has identified funding to support the delivery of the Business Improvement Areas' key streetscape enhancement projects and has committed to leading a multi-divisional team to leverage resources and identify opportunities to implement elements of the Business Improvement Area streetscape plans. Given the time required for the Business Improvement Areas to complete streetscape plans, design, and construction tendering, delivery of priority streetscape enhancements is anticipated to begin at the earliest in 2026.


As part of this report, Transportation Services is continuing to utilize the streamlined reporting process for by-law amendment submissions associated with cycling infrastructure projects approved by Council for implementation. Once projects are approved by Council, the streamlined process involves delegation of authority to submit bills directly to Council for a discreet period of time (approximately two years after project implementation is anticipated) which enables Transportation Services to make minor adjustments to constructed conditions without delay and based on local Councillor and public feedback, such as parking adjustments to improve sightlines, adjustments or addition of accessible loading areas, and similar modifications.


It is proposed that later in 2024, Transportation Services would begin the design and public consultation on the second phase of the eglintonTOday project between Mount Pleasant Road and Brentcliffe Road, with a report to Infrastructure and Environment Committee on recommendations for Phase 2 anticipated in 2025.

Background Information

(April 19, 2024) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services on eglintonTOday Phase 1 Complete Street Project: Bicknell Avenue to Mount Pleasant Road
Attachment 1 - Streamlined Reporting Process for By-Law Amendments
Attachment 2 - Technical Amendments
Attachment 3 - Traffic Volumes
Attachment 4 - TTC Bus Stop Changes
Presentation from the General Manager, Transportation Services on eglintonTOday Phase 1 Complete Street Project: Bicknell Avenue to Mount Pleasant Road


(April 25, 2024) E-mail from Adam Rodgers (IE.Supp)
(April 25, 2024) E-mail from George Bell (IE.Supp)
(April 25, 2024) E-mail from Angus MacKay (IE.Supp)
(April 25, 2024) Letter from Colleen Bailey (IE.Supp)
(April 25, 2024) E-mail from Loudon Young (IE.Supp)
(April 26, 2024) E-mail from Nicholas Cole (IE.Supp)
(April 26, 2024) E-mail from Sean Aubin (IE.Supp)
(April 26, 2024) E-mail from Ryan Woodard (IE.Supp)
(April 26, 2024) E-mail from Susan Kirsch (IE.Supp)
(April 26, 2024) E-mail from David Farb (IE.Supp)
(April 28, 2024) Letter from Robert Zaichkowski (IE.Supp)
(April 28, 2024) E-mail from Kate Cheung (IE.Supp)
(April 28, 2024) E-mail from Ian Worling (IE.Supp)
(April 28, 2024) E-mail from Piotr Sepski (IE.Supp)
(April 28, 2024) E-mail from Jocelyn Lambert Squires, MArch MRAIC (IE.Supp)
(April 29, 2024) E-mail from Hamish Wilson (IE.Supp)
(April 29, 2024) E-mail from Michael Kaufman (IE.Supp)
(April 29, 2024) Submission from Matthew Gerry (IE.Supp)
(April 29, 2024) E-mail from Saul Goodman (IE.Supp)
(April 29, 2024) Letter from Mary Helen Spence (IE.Supp)
(April 29, 2024) Letter from David Lepofsky, on behalf of Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance (IE.Supp)
(April 29, 2024) E-mail from Despina Melohe (IE.Supp)
(April 29, 2024) Submission from Arthur Gron (IE.Supp)
(April 30, 2024) E-mail from Graeme Woods (IE.Supp)
(April 30, 2024) Letter from Maureen Kapral, President, Lytton Park Residents’ Organization (IE.Supp)
(April 30, 2024) Letter from Geoff Kettel, Holly Reid and Najia Zewari, Cycle Don Valley Midtown Executive (IE.Supp)
(April 30, 2024) E-mail from Joe Goodman (IE.Supp)
(April 30, 2024) Letter from Najia Zewari, Founder, Women's Cycling Network (IE.Supp)
(April 30, 2024) Letter from Jay Brown, Director, Etobicoke Cycling Club (IE.Supp)
(April 30, 2024) E-mail from Jonathan Schmidt, on behalf of Toronto East Cyclists (IE.Supp)
(April 30, 2024) Letter from Robin Richardson, on behalf of Yonge4All (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) Letter from Lanrick Bennett Jr. (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Colin Wood (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Gideon Forman, Climate Change and Transportation Policy Analyst, The David Suzuki Foundation (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Bas de Beer, Founder, Go Dutch (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) Letter from Maureen Sirois, Chair, The Eglinton Way BIA (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from James Young, CycleTO Midtown (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Natasha Pirani (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from J. Geoff Loughton (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Jeremy Elliott (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Ingrid Buday (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) Letter from Shelagh Pizey-Allen, Executive Director, TTCriders (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Ralph Callebert (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Nolan Xuereb (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Sara Cowan (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Peter Burnside (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Debbie Green (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Richard Underhill (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) E-mail from Alena Parkinson (IE.Supp)
(May 1, 2024) Multiple Communications from 199 individuals on the Complete Street Network with similar text received from April 27, 2024 8:56 p.m. to May 1, 2024 11:07 p.m. (IE.Supp)
(May 2, 2024) Multiple Communications from 121 individuals on the Rollout of the Cycling Network Plan with similar text received from April 25, 2024 8:02 p.m. to May 2, 2024 5:59 a.m. (IE.Supp)
(May 2, 2024) E-mail from Christine Skobe (IE.Supp)
(May 2, 2024) Letter from Stephen Job, AICP, Vice President, Tenblock (IE.Supp)
(May 2, 2024) Letter from Sophie Milman on behalf of The Cedarvale and Upper Village Community Group (IE.New)
(May 2, 2024) E-mail from Brock Howes (IE.Supp)
(May 2, 2024) E-mail from Josh Davis (IE.Supp)


Robert Zaichkowski, Community Bikeways (TCBC)
David Lepofsky
Michael Longfield, Cycle Toronto
Suzanne Decary-van den Broek, CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind)
Colin Wood
Sophie Milman, Cedarvale and Upper Village Community Group
Hafeez Alavi
Mauricio Argote-Cortes
Spencer Maurice, Chaplin Station Residents Association
Adam Roy Cohoon
Arthur Gron, Oakwood-Vaughan Community Organization (OVCO)
Hamish Wilson
Harold B. Smith
Taysir Alam, Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services
Chloe Tangpongprush
Sean Cooper, Danforth Kingston 4 All
Robin Richardson, Yonge4All
John Spragge
Ilya Kreynin
Bas de Beer
Arnaud Seigne
Shirley Roburn
John Lowson
Adam Rodgers
Jay Sudhir
Ted Turner


1a - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Mike Colle (Carried)

That the Infrastructure and Environment Committee:


1. Delete Recommendation 1 and replace with the following recommendation:


1. City Council authorize the installation of the eglintonTOday Complete Street Project on Eglinton Avenue from Bicknell Avenue to Mount Pleasant Road, and direct the General Manager Transportation Services to determine the implementation timeline in coordination with Metrolinx and Toronto Transit Commission to ensure it is optimally aligned with the opening of the Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit (ECLRT), to minimize negative traffic impacts due to construction, and to minimize the traffic impacts from the continued operation of existing TTC surface bus routes in the new Complete Street configuration prior to the opening of the Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit.

1b - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Mike Colle (Carried)

That the Infrastructure and Environment Committee:


1. Request the General Manager, Transportation Services to develop a plan for snow clearing suitable for the new Complete Street configuration with consideration for pedestrian safety, delivery areas and on-street parking spaces, in consultation with the Eglinton Business Improvement Area Alliance.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at