Item - 2024.IE10.5

Tracking Status

IE10.5 - Congestion Management Update Request

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Infrastructure and Environment Committee:


1. Requested the General Manager, Transportation Services to provide a congestion management update to the February 27, 2024 Infrastructure and Environment Committee meeting.


(December 21, 2023) Letter from Mayor Olivia Chow and Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie


Since the adoption of the Congestion Management Plan Update by City Council on November 8, 2023, there have been many motions from Councillors requesting additional information related to the Congestion Management program. I am writing to request that we streamline these motions into a single Congestion Management update at our February meeting.


This motion is to request that the General Manager, Transportation Services report back at the
February 2024 Infrastructure and Environment Committee meeting on the following:


- Improved way-finding in construction zones (Recommendation in IE7.2)

- The status of work regarding "Don't Block the Box," requesting increased fines and best practices for "don’t block the box" solutions beyond an increased fine, including the
feasibility of expanding the red light camera program (MM5.26; IE7.2)

- The feasibility of an increase to road occupation permits, including an escalating fee for
long-term closures reflecting the full cost of a road closure including the impact on
people experiencing worsened traffic conditions (IE7.2)

- Next steps for the congestion management plan, including engagement (IE7.2)


- Status of new work zone signage, including content (Recommendation in IE9.9)


- An improved process to account for emergency service impacts (Recommendation in EC8.8)


- Expansion of the capital coordination program, and an approach that improves
integration across major capital projects, streamlines processes and enhances oversight
and accountability (IE7.2)


Additionally, this motion requests the General Manager, Transportation services to report at the February Infrastructure and Environment Committee meeting on:

- The potential to increase work hours for capital projects


- The feasibility of fines that escalate for repeat offenders, such as illegal blocking of traffic lanes


- Measures to streamline delivery of goods to reduce congestion

Background Information

(December 21, 2023) Letter from Mayor Olivia Chow and Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie on Congestion Management Update Request


(January 5, 2024) E-mail from Robert (IE.Main)


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at