Item - 2024.IA16.2

Tracking Status

  • City Council considered this item on March 20 and 21, 2024 and received the item for information. No further action will be taken on this item.

IA16.2 - Renaming of Dundas Toronto Transit Commission Stations

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on March 20 and 21, 2024, received Administrative Inquiry IA16.2 from Councillor Brad Bradford, Ward 19, Beaches-East York, regarding Renaming of Dundas Toronto Transit Commission Stations and Answer IA16.2a from the City Manager, for information.

Background Information (City Council)

(March 8, 2024) Administrative Inquiry from Councillor Brad Bradford on the Renaming of Dundas Toronto Transit Commission Stations
(March 18, 2024) Answer from the City Manager Regarding Administrative Inquiry on the Renaming of Dundas Toronto Transit Commission Stations (IA16.2a)

Motions (City Council)

Motion to Re-open Item moved by Councillor Dianne Saxe (Lost)

That in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, City Council re-open Item MM13.29, as it pertains to Renaming of Dundas Toronto Transit Commission Stations.

Vote (Re-open Item) Mar-20-2024 10:01 AM

Result: Lost Two-Thirds Required - IA16.2 - Saxe - Re-open Item MM13.29
Total members that voted Yes: 13 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Brad Bradford, Jon Burnside, Lily Cheng, Vincent Crisanti, Stephen Holyday, Parthi Kandavel, Nick Mantas, Josh Matlow, Jamaal Myers, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Anthony Perruzza, Dianne Saxe
Total members that voted No: 10 Members that voted No are Alejandra Bravo, Shelley Carroll, Olivia Chow, Mike Colle, Paula Fletcher, Ausma Malik, Chris Moise, Amber Morley, Gord Perks, Michael Thompson
Total members that were Absent: 3 Members that were absent are Jennifer McKelvie, James Pasternak, Jaye Robinson

Point of Order by Councillor Brad Bradford

Councillor Bradford, rising on a Point of Order stated that he would like to refer Administrative Inquiry IA16.2 to the Executive Committee and that he understood that he could not refer the item without a motion to reopen Item MM13.29. Councillor Bradford further stated that, as he had been on the losing side of the vote on MM13.29 when Council originally considered it, and that Councillor Saxe was prepared to move the motion to reopen the item.

Point of Order by Councillor Stephen Holyday

Following the introduction of the motion by Councillor Saxe to re-open item MM13.29, Councillor Holyday, rising on a Point of Order, stated that he would like the Speaker to rule on this matter and place her ruling in writing. Councillor Holyday stated that it is his understanding that the Procedure By-law allows Council two things to do with administrative inquiry, which is either to receive it or to refer it. Councillor Holyday further stated that what Councillor Bradford just described is a slightly different outcome, and this has a chill effect on placing administrative inquiries on matters considered in the last year if a re-opening is required. Councillor Holyday stated he thinks it's really important that Council understands the instructions of this ruling because Members will have to think about that if placing inquiries and have to think about the votes. Councillor Holyday stated that it’s a new piece of information that is relevant to Council.

Ruling by Speaker Frances Nunziata
Speaker Nunziata accepted the Point of Order and ruled that is why Council was taking a recorded vote to reopen the Item.

Point of Order by Councillor Stephen Holyday

Councillor Holyday, rising on a Point of Order, stated that what he was asking for was the Chair’s ruling in writing, so that Members could refer to it as it is precedent-setting.

Ruling by Speaker Frances Nunziata
Speaker Nunziata accepted the Point of Order and reserved her ruling.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at