Item - 2024.HU3.1

Tracking Status

HU3.1 - Preliminary Toronto Public Health 2025 Operating Budget and 2025-2034 Capital Budget and Plan

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Board of Health - Budget Committee recommends that:


1. The Board of Health request the Medical Officer of Health to prioritize working towards increasing the municipal contribution of the Student Nutrition Program to 20 percent.


2. The Board of Health reiterate its request in Item HL13.4 that the Government of Canada expand the National School Food Program to provide funding for a universal program which would provide nutritious meals for every school-aged child.

3. The Board of Health request the Province of Ontario to increase its grant funding investment to the Student Nutrition Program proportionally to match the increased City of Toronto investment and further request the Province of Ontario provide increased funding to address the inflationary cost of food.


4. The Board of Health direct the Medical Officer of Health, in coordination with the City Manager, to engage the Government of Canada on the 2024 Federal Budget commitment of $79 million for student nutrition programs, which has not flowed, and negotiate with the Provincial and Federal Governments for Toronto’s allocation of this funding.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Board of Health - Budget Committee:


1. Requested the Medical Officer of Health to report to the September 9, 2024 meeting of the Board of Health with Toronto Public Health’s 2025 Operating Budget submission and 2025-2034 Capital Budget and Plan submission reflecting the preliminary information presented at the July 23, 2024 meeting of the Board of Health Budget Committee.


The Medical Officer of Health and the Acting Director, Operations and Business Services, Toronto Public Health gave a presentation on Preliminary Toronto Public Health 2025 Operating Budget and 2025-2034 Capital Budget and Plan.


The Acting Director, Operations and Business Services, Toronto Public Health will give a presentation on Preliminary Toronto Public Health 2025 Operating Budget and 2025-2034 Capital Budget and Plan.

Background Information

Revised presentation from the Acting Director, Operations and Business Services, Toronto Public Health on Preliminary Toronto Public Health 2025 Operating Budget and 2025-2034 Capital Budget and Plan
Presentation from the Acting Director, Operations and Business Services, Toronto Public Health on Preliminary Toronto Public Health 2025 Operating Budget and 2025-2034 Capital Budget and Plan


Daniel Freiheit


1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Chris Moise (Carried)



1. The Board of Health - Budget Committee request the Medical Officer of Health to report to the September 9, 2024 meeting of the Board of Health with Toronto Public Health’s 2025 Operating Budget submission and 2025-2034 Capital Budget and Plan submission reflecting the preliminary information presented at the July 23, 2024 meeting of the Board of Health Budget Committee.


2. The Board of Health - Budget Committee recommend that the Board of Health request the Medical Officer of Health to prioritize working towards increasing the municipal contribution of the Student Nutrition Program to 20 percent.

3. The Board of Health - Budget Committee recommend that the Board of Health reiterate its request in Item HL13.4 that the Government of Canada expand the National School Food Program to provide funding for a universal program which would provide nutritious meals for every school-aged child.

4. The Board of Health - Budget Committee recommend that the Board of Health request the Province of Ontario to increase its grant funding investment to the Student Nutrition Program proportionally to match the increased City of Toronto investment and further request the Province of Ontario provide increased funding to address the inflationary cost of food.


5. The Board of Health- Budget Committee recommend that the Board of Health direct the Medical Officer of Health, in coordination with the City Manager, to engage the Government of Canada on the 2024 Federal Budget commitment of $79 million for student nutrition programs, which has not flowed, and negotiate with the Provincial and Federal Governments for Toronto’s allocation of this funding.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at