Item - 2024.HL16.1
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Board of Health on September 9, 2024 and was adopted without amendment.
HL16.1 - Update from the Medical Officer of Health Hiring Committee
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Wards:
- All
Board Decision
The Board of Health:
1. Received the letter (August 23, 2024) from Councillor Chris Moise for information.
Decision Advice and Other Information
As invited by the Chair, Board of Health, Jayson Phelps, Partner, Phelps Group and Fareed Amin, Senior Consultant, Diversity Practice, Phelps Group, gave a presentation on Update from the Medical Officer of Health Hiring Committee.
I would like to provide an update on the hiring process for the next Medical Officer of Health.
At our meeting on May 24, 2024, we struck a hiring committee to lead the hiring process. The committee convened for the first time on July 22 to discuss the requirements of the Medical Officer of Health position, select an executive search firm to support the hiring process and outline in more detail the hiring timeline. Phelps Group was selected to assist with the hiring process and they have since been working to engage key stakeholders and prepare the job profile for posting.
The following timeline outlines the next steps in the hiring process:
- September 26 - October 10: Preliminary Interviews
- October 15 - October 18: First Round Interviews
- October 22: Second Round Interviews
- November 6: Special Board of Health Meeting to Recommend Medical Officer of Health Appointment (date to be confirmed)
- November 18: Medical Officer of Health Appointment at Board of Health
- December 17: Medical Officer of Health Appointment Approval at City Council
- December 19: Transmittal of Medical Officer of Health Appointment to the Minister
I will continue to provide updates at our Board of Health meetings as the hiring process unfolds.
Background Information
(September 9, 2024) Presentation from Jayson Phelps, Partner, Phelps Group and Fareed Amin, Senior Consultant, Diversity Practice, Phelps Group on Update from the Medical Officer of Health Hiring Committee
That the item be received for information.