Item - 2024.GG17.16

Tracking Status

  • This item will be considered by General Government Committee on October 16, 2024. It will be considered by City Council on November 13, 2024, subject to the actions of the General Government Committee.

GG17.16 - Update on the Status of Public Spaces around Nathan Phillips Square and Toronto City Hall

Consideration Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York


(October 1, 2024) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, and the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management


The Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, and the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management, recommend that:


1. The General Government Committee receive this report for information.


This report provides an update to members of the General Government Committee on the status of the overall state of amenities of Nathan Phillips Square, the on-going repair program and future planned capital works (both funded and unfunded), the combination of which forms the holistic State-of-Good-Repair program.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact resulting from the adoption of the recommendation in this report.


In addition to existing planned and funded, short-term and ongoing initiatives, there is also an identified but unfunded need for the holistic preservation of Nathan Phillips Square, which would include structural and other more extensive work. This holistic preservation currently has an estimated construction value of $68.4 million, which is identified in the City’s 10-year Capital Plan and forms part of the broader $322 million identified for City Hall, Nathan Phillips Square and the underground parking structure, but remains mostly unfunded. There is, however, $1.1 million of approved funding for planning and design in 2024, 2025 and 2026 as it relates to this preservation work. The prioritization of the unfunded holistic preservation of Nathan Phillips Square will be evaluated through future Capital Prioritization exercises to ensure alignment with the City’s strategic direction regarding the allocation of available capital funds.


The Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer has been advised of the financial impacts associated with this work for consideration along with other priorities in the future budget processes.

Background Information

(October 1, 2024) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, and the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management on Update on the Status of Public Spaces around Nathan Phillips Square and Toronto City Hall
Source: Toronto City Clerk at