Item - 2024.GG16.16

Tracking Status

GG16.16 - iOS AirDrop Functionality for Members of Council

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The General Government Committee:


1. Requested the Chief Technology Officer and Chief Information Security Officer to report back to the General Government Committee on November 20, 2024, with an update on the iOS AirDrop functionality.


(August 13, 2024) Letter from Councillor Paul Ainslie


This email serves as a follow-up on the AirDrop functionality that was disabled for all Councillors in September 2021 due to a security concern.


At that time, we were informed of a vulnerability within AirDrop that could potentially allow unauthorized individuals to obtain phone numbers and email addresses of Councillors. While Apple reportedly planned to address this issue in subsequent iOS updates, we have not received any further information regarding the status of a resolution.


Given that this issue has been ongoing for several years, an update on the current and anticipated future use of AirDrop for Councillors would be greatly appreciated.


Therefore, I kindly request that Technology Services investigate this matter further and provide a comprehensive report at the upcoming Government Management Meeting on November 20, 2024. This report should ideally address the following key points:


- A concise summary of the ongoing AirDrop security concerns impacting Councillors.


- A detailed explanation of the specific challenges that hinder the resolution of this issue, with particular emphasis on backward compatibility considerations.


- An estimated timeline outlining when Apple is expected to release a permanent fix for this vulnerability.

Background Information

(August 13, 2024) Letter from Councillor Paul Ainslie on iOS AirDrop Functionality


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at