Item - 2024.GG10.15

Tracking Status

GG10.15 - Options and Opportunities to Enhance City Technology and Protect Confidential Documents

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The General Government Committee:


1. Requested the City Clerk, in conjunction with the Chief Technology Officer and the Chief Information Security Officer, to report back to the General Government Committee on March 26, 2024, regarding options and opportunities to enhance City Technology and protect confidential documents.


(January 23, 2024) Report from Councillor Paul Ainslie


As a part of our ongoing commitment to the advancement and security of the city's technological infrastructure, a report outlining options and opportunities to enhance city technology and protect confidential documents would be beneficial.


The scope of the report is to include but is not limited to:


1. Current State Assessment:

- Identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to technology and document security.


2. Enhancement Proposals:

 - Recommendations for technology upgrades or advancements that can improve overall efficiency and effectiveness.

  - Strategies for enhancing document security measures, including encryption, access controls, and data integrity.


3. Risk Management:

- Identification and assessment of potential risks related to technology and document security.

- Strategies and protocols for mitigating these risks and responding to potential security breaches.


4.  Compliance and Regulatory Framework:

- An overview of relevant laws and regulations governing technology and document security.

- Ensuring proposed enhancements align with legal requirements and compliance standards.


The city's ongoing efforts to stay at the forefront of technological advancements while prioritizing the security of confidential information is paramount, specifically the current environment.

Background Information

(January 23, 2024) Letter from Councillor Paul Ainslie on Options and Opportunities to Enhance City Technology and protect confidential documents.


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at