Item - 2024.EX15.12

Tracking Status

EX15.12 - 311 Toronto - Framework for Reporting and Dashboards

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Executive Committee:


1. Requested the Executive Director, Customer Experience (311) to consider including, where feasible, the following features on future versions of the Dashboards:


a. multi-year data, including pre-COVID-19 data where available;


b. the ability to select multiple wards for comparison or aggregation;


c. predictive trends, or normal or target lines on the graphs;


d. relative performance against service standards; and


e. consideration of how future changes to ward boundaries or service standards may affect reporting.


(May 31, 2024) Letter from the Service Excellence Committee


At its meeting on May 31, 2024, the Service Excellence Committee considered item SE3.2 and made recommendations to the Executive Committee.



Summary from the report (May 16, 2024) from the Executive Director, Customer Experience:


The purpose of this report is to provide an update to the Service Excellence Committee on the Customer Experience (311) Division’s plans for a new reporting framework and feature that incorporates Ward Dashboards and key performance indicator data for 311 Toronto (311) Integrated Service Divisions, as well as a framework for future reports to highlight key trends.


This report will:


-Provide an overview of existing 311 information available to Members of Council, divisions, and the public.
-Provide information on the progress towards the establishment of Ward Dashboards and key performance indicator data related to specific City divisions.
-Provide high-level next steps to producing Dashboards.
-Outline the framework under which the Customer Experience Division currently reports on and Plans for emerging trends, seasonal, cyclical, and geographic patterns or trajectories and how new Dashboards will complement these efforts.
-Provide a sample Proof of Concept Dashboard.

Background Information

(May 31, 2024) Letter from Service Excellence Committee on 311 Toronto - Framework for Reporting and Dashboards
(May 16, 2024) Report from the Executive Director, Customer Experience on 311 Toronto - Framework for Reporting and Dashboards
Appendix 1 - Filterable Proof of Concept Dashboards


(June 18, 2024) Submission from Ingrid Buday (EX.New)


Ingrid Buday, No More Noise Toronto


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Mayor Olivia Chow (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at