Item - 2024.EC14.15
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Economic and Community Development Committee on July 4, 2024 and was adopted without amendment.
EC14.15 - Bridging the Gap: Bringing Context to Discussions on a Fixed Link
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Wards:
- All
Committee Decision
The Economic and Community Development Committee:
1. Requested that the City Manager, as part of the first quarter of 2025 report on active transportation access to Toronto Island requested in MM19.18, facilitate consultation with stakeholders including, PortsToronto, Toronto Industry Network, Netflix Canada, tour and cruise operators, and other port users, about a fixed link between Toronto Islands and the Port Lands over the Eastern Gap, and include estimates of economic impacts of disruption to the Eastern Gap in the report.
Dear Chair and Members of the Economic and Community Development Committee,
Toronto’s Waterfront is undergoing a sustained period of intense change.
As we develop the Eastern Waterfront the City has been focused on ensuring that the balance between the Port uses, residential, and natural environment continues to support the varied and important different uses on the Waterfront.
With discussion about the potential for a fixed link between Toronto Islands and the Port Lands over the Eastern Gap, the many different uses in the Port Lands must be considered.
The proposed fixed link exists in a context broader than much of the discussion that’s happened so far and I hope you can support my motion to start bringing all the stakeholder into the conversation.
Background Information