Item - 2024.EC12.8

Tracking Status

EC12.8 - Clarification on Municipal Licensing and Standards Poster Enforcement Policies and By-laws - Rules Governing Affixing and Removing of Posters

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Economic and Community Development Committee:

1. Received the report (April 29, 2024) from the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards for information.


(April 3, 2024) Letter from City Council


City Council on March 20 and 21, 2024, referred Motion MM16.15 to the Economic and Community Development Committee for consideration.



Article IV Posters on Public Property in Chapter 693 of Toronto Municipal Code defines the regulations that are required for placing community posters on public property. Sections 693-29 to 693-33 describes various restrictions and guidelines that are outlined in this policy. Posters from persons, charities, religious organizations, community organizations and schools may attach community posters on utility poles.


However, even if a community poster complies with all these criteria, Section 693-34 implies that the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards is permitted to remove community posters at any time and without notice. There is a lack of clarity for how long a poster can remain on one site, who can remove it, and the policy reach on which matters of concern (such as missing persons, property, pets, or community event) are eligible content. It seems that if the flyers posted on utility poles are not community flyers, residents are encouraged to contact 311. Municipal Licensing and Standards will investigate and take appropriate enforcement action and undertake to have illegally placed poster(s) removed. Municipal Licensing and Standards will initiate removal of unauthorized posters by contacting the appropriate division/external agency. Other than the original sponsor of the poster, can any citizen remove a poster as a form of enforcement? What is the process for review of those posters that are seen by some as hate inspired?

Background Information

(April 3, 2024) Letter from City Council referring MM16.15 - Clarification on Municipal Licensing and Standards Poster Enforcement Policies and By-laws - Rules Governing Affixing and Removing of Posters


Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Alejandra Bravo (Carried)

That the Economic and Community Development Committee adopt the recommendation in the supplementary report:


"1. The Economic and Community Development Committee receive this report for information."

8a - Response to EC12.8: Clarification on Municipal Licensing and Standards' Poster Enforcement Policies and By-laws - Rules Governing Affixing and Removal of Posters

(April 29, 2024) Report from the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards

This report responds to the Council directive for the City Manager and the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards (MLS) to review and clarify the regulations under Chapter 693, Signs, Article IV Posters on Public Property, and process for affixing and removing posters on utility poles, kiosks, and other structures. 

Background Information
(April 29, 2024) Supplementary Report from the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards on Response to EC12.8: Clarification on Municipal Licensing and Standards' Poster Enforcement Policies and By-laws - Rules Governing Affixing and Removal of Posters
Source: Toronto City Clerk at