Item - 2024.DG22.1

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal on September 12, 2024. The Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal postponed consideration of this item. Consult the text of the decision for further information on the deferral.

DG22.1 - Review Hearing - John Spence - Appeal DDRT2023-11

Decision Type:

Panel Decision

The Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal:


1. At the request made by Ms. Elizabeth Stewart, Representative of the Appellant, John Spence, under File DDRT2023-11, and agreed to by the Respondent, directed that that the review hearing under File DDRT2023-11, be deferred to a future Hearing date of the Tribunal.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal:


1. Dismissed the motion put forward by Ms. Elizabeth Stewart, Representative of the Appellant, John Spence, under File DDRT2023-11, to stay the Hearing proceedings.


In accordance with Section 21 of the Rules of Procedure, the Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal has granted a request for review and has ordered a review hearing to hear appeal DDRT2023-11 in whole.

Background Information

(December 22, 2023) Letter from Reviewer, Member Ron Balinsky, Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal
(December 9, 2023) Letter from John Spence
(November 15, 2023) Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal Written Decision - DDRT2023-11 (Item DG13.1)
(October 24, 2022) Appeal of Dangerous Dog Order by Robert Spence, on behalf of John Spence
(October 9, 2022) Dangerous Dog Order


(April 21, 2023) Tribunal disclosure from Municipal Licensing and Standards (DG.Main.DG22.1.1)
(April 25, 2023) Tribunal disclosure from Robert Spence, Representative, on behalf of John Spence (DG.Main.DG22.1.2)
(April 27, 2023) Tribunal disclosure from Robert Spence, Representative, on behalf of John Spence (DG.Main.DG22.1.3)
(May 1, 2023) E-mail from Robert Spence, Representative, on behalf of John Spence (DG.Main.DG22.1.4)
(October 24, 2023) Tribunal disclosure from Robert Spence, Representative, on behalf of John Spence (DG.Main.DG22.1.5)
(April 24, 2024) E-mail from John Spence (DG.Main.DG22.1.6)
(May 2, 2024) E-mail from Municipal Licensing and Standards (DG.Main.DG22.1.7)
(May 15, 2024) Tribunal disclosure from Robert Spence on behalf of Elizabeth Stewart, Representative, on behalf of John Spence (DG.Main.DG22.1.8)
(May 29, 2024) Tribunal disclosure from Robert Spence on behalf of Elizabeth Stewart, Representative, on behalf of John Spence (DG.Main.DG22.1.9)
(August 28, 2024) Tribunal disclosure from Robert Spence on behalf of Elizabeth Stewart, Representative, on behalf of John Spence (DG.Main.DG22.1.10)
(August 28, 2024) Tribunal disclosure from Yelda Nuri, Representative, on behalf of Municipal Licensing and Standards (DG.Main.DG22.1.11)
(September 12, 2024) Tribunal disclosure from Yelda Nuri, Representative, on behalf of Municipal Licensing and Standards (DG.New.DG22.1.12)


Elizabeth Stewart, Representative for Applicant
Yelda Nuri, Solicitor, Legal Services, City of Toronto, on behalf of the Respondent


1 - Motion to Waive the Rules moved by Ron Balinsky (Carried)

That the Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal:


1. Without objection from the appellant, waive the rules to allow for the consideration of the late submission, received on September 12, 2024 from the Ms. Yelda Nuri, Representative, Toronto Animal Services under Appeal DDRT2023-11.

2 - Motion to Meet in Closed Session moved by Matthew Brown (Carried)

At 11:04 a.m. - That the Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal recess its public session and meet in closed session to deliberate in private.

3 - Motion to Reconvene in Public Session moved by Matthew Brown (Carried)

At 11:38 a.m. - That the Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal reconvene in public session.

4 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Ron Balinsky (Carried)

That the Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal:


1. Dismiss the motion put forward by Ms. Elizabeth Stewart, Representative of the Appellant, John Spence, under File DDRT2023-11, to stay the Hearing proceedings.

5 - Motion to Meet in Closed Session moved by Nigel H. Waterman (Carried)

At 11:52 a.m. - That the Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal recess its public session and meet in closed session to deliberate in private.

6 - Motion to Reconvene in Public Session moved by Matthew Brown (Carried)

At 12:12 p.m. - That the Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal reconvene in public session.

7 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Matthew Brown (Carried)

That the Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal:


1. At the request made by Ms. Elizabeth Stewart, Representative of the Appellant, John Spence, under File DDRT2023-11, and agreed to by the Respondent, direct that that the review hearing under File DDRT2023-11, be deferred to a future Hearing date of the Tribunal.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at