Item - 2024.DG18.1

Tracking Status

DG18.1 - David Chilton - Appeal DDRT2023-25

Decision Type:

Panel Decision

The Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal:


1. Confirmed the determination of a dangerous dog, and directed that the conditions of the Order remain in effect, and that the Tribunal forward the reasons for this decision to David Chilton, and his representative Cassandra Fragoso, CC Paralegal Services, and the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards on or before April 12, 2024.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal issued reasons for its decision on March 28, 2024 and can be found under the Background Information section.


(August 15, 2023) Tribunal appeal from David Chilton


Appeal of Dangerous Dog Order issued, July 23, 2023, Appeal DDRT2023-25.

Background Information

(August 15, 2023) Appeal of Dangerous Dog Order by David Chilton
(July 23, 2023) Dangerous Dog Order
(April 4, 2024) Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal Written Decision DDRT2023-25


(October 5, 2023) Letter from Cassandra Fragoso, CC Paralegal Services, on behalf of David Chilton (DG.Main.DG18.1.1)
(October 25, 2023) Submission from Cassandra Fragoso, CC Paralegal Services, on behalf of David Chilton (DG.Main.DG18.1.2)
(October 25, 2023) Submission from Municipal Licensing and Standards (DG.Main.DG18.1.3)


Jasmine Herzog-Evans, Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Elana Cipin
Sarah Wheatcroft
Selena Lam, Animal Control Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Cassandra Fragoso, Paralegal, CC Paralegal Services
Marietta Chilton
Marcel Charlebois
David Chilton


1 - Motion to Meet in Closed Session moved by Tracey Hamilton (Carried)

At 1:58 p.m. - That the Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal recess its public session and meet in closed session to deliberate in private.

2 - Motion to Reconvene in Public Session moved by Tracey Hamilton (Carried)

At 2:13 p.m. - That the Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal reconvene in public session.

3 - Motion to Confirm Order moved by Tracey Hamilton (Carried)

That the Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal:


1. Confirm the determination of a dangerous dog, and direct that the conditions of the Order remain in effect, and that the Tribunal forward the reasons for this decision to David Chilton, and his representative Cassandra Fragoso, CC Paralegal Services, and the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards on or before April 12, 2024.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at