Item - 2024.CT9.9

Tracking Status

CT9.9 - Budget Implementation Including Property Tax Rates, User Fees and Related Matters

Decision Type:

Board Decision

The Board of Directors of TO Live:


1. Directed the President and Chief Executive Officer, TO Live, in consultation with the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management, to continue to advance the Schematic Design of the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts Redevelopment project funded through existing approved capital budget, and report back to Executive Committee during the fourth quarter of 2024 on the refined project cost estimates upon completion of a schematic design with appropriate Class Estimates and status on the financing strategies as outlined in the report EX6.13 entitled “St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts Redevelopment” for City Council consideration prior to the next phase of development.


Decision Advice and Other Information

The Board of Directors of TO Live:


1. Directed that a copy of the motion moved by Dawn T. Maracle be sent to the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services.


(March 8, 2024) Letter from the City Clerk


City Council on February 14, 2024, adopted Item CC15.1 as amended and, in so doing, has requested the Board of Directors of TO Live to direct the President and Chief Executive Officer, TO Live, in consultation with the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management, to continue to advance the design refinement of the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts Redevelopment project funded through existing approved capital budget, and report back to Executive Committee, during the first or second quarter of 2024, on the refined project cost estimates upon completion of a schematic design with appropriate Class Estimates, and status on the financing strategies, as outlined in the report EX6.13 entitled “St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts Redevelopment”, for City Council consideration prior to the next phase of development.

Background Information

(March 8, 2024) Letter and Attachment from the City Clerk on Budget Implementation Including Property Tax Rates, User Fees and Related Matters


Motion to Amend Item moved by Dawn T. Maracle (Carried)

That the Board of Directors of TO Live:


1. Direct the President and Chief Executive Officer, TO Live, in consultation with the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management, to continue to advance the Schematic Design of the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts Redevelopment project funded through existing approved capital budget, and report back to Executive Committee during the fourth quarter of 2024 on the refined project cost estimates upon completion of a schematic design with appropriate Class Estimates and status on the financing strategies as outlined in the report EX6.13 entitled “St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts Redevelopment” for City Council consideration prior to the next phase of development. 


2. Direct that a copy of this motion be sent to the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at