Item - 2024.CR2.4

Tracking Status

CR2.4 - Confronting the Legacy of the Transatlantic Slave Trade: Renaming Civic Assets Bearing the Henry Dundas Name - by Councillor Chris Moise, seconded by Mayor Olivia Chow

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Confronting Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee recommends that Executive Committee:


1. Direct the City Manager to ensure that the governing bodies overseeing the decision on the naming City of Toronto assets consider Dudley Laws, Charles Roach, Chloe Cooley, and John M. Tinsley among the broader list of names for consideration to rename assets, along with names of anti-racism trailblazers and leaders to highlight the City of Toronto’s commitment to anti-racism.

Decision Advice and Other Information

Amleet Mangat, Senior Project Manager, Museums and Heritage Services, Economic Development and Culture gave a presentation on the Dundas Street Renaming.


(January 16, 2024) Letter from City Council


City Council on December 13, 14 and 15, 2023, in adopting Item MM13.29, headed "Confronting the Legacy of the Transatlantic Slave Trade: Renaming Civic Assets Bearing the Henry Dundas Name - by Councillor Chris Moise, seconded by Mayor Olivia Chow", adopted the following:


1. City Council request the Confronting Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee to include among other candidates, as part of any future consultation to consider honouring and naming City of Toronto assets in the Dundas renaming process and in the development of the City’s next Confronting Anti-Black Racism Action Plan:


a. Dudley Laws - a Canadian civil rights icon who as Executive Director of the Black Action Defence Committee worked to combat anti-Black racism in policing and helped to establish Ontario's Special Investigation Unit; and


b. Charles Roach - a civil rights lawyer and activist who was a prominent leader in Toronto's Black community who fought tirelessly for social justice and equality for marginalized communities.

Background Information

(January 16, 2024) Transmittal from City Council on Confronting the Legacy of the Transatlantic Slave Trade: Renaming Civic Assets Bearing the Henry Dundas Name - by Councillor Chris Moise, seconded by Mayor Olivia Chow


1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Lucina Rakotovao (Carried)

That the Confronting Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee:


1. Recommend that the City Manager ensure that the governing bodies overseeing the decision on the naming City of Toronto assets consider Dudley Laws, Charles Roach, Chloe Cooley, John M. Tinsley, and Blackburn, among the broader list of names for consideration to rename assets, along with names of anti-racism trailblazers and leaders to highlight the City of Toronto’s commitment to anti-racism.


2. Reaffirm its support for the existing processes for the naming of City of Toronto assets that have been identified and developed to generate names under consideration for asset renaming and defers decisions on which names to consider to their respective governing processes.

2 - Motion to Reconsider Item moved by Lucina Rakotovao (Carried)

That in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, the Confronting Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee reconsider Item CR2.4.

3 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Lucina Rakotovao (Carried)

That the Confronting Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee:


Revise the following:


1. Recommend that the City Manager ensure that the governing bodies overseeing the decision on the naming City of Toronto assets consider Dudley Laws, Charles Roach, Chloe Cooley, John M. Tinsley, and Blackburn, among the broader list of names for consideration to rename assets, along with names of anti-racism trailblazers and leaders to highlight the City of Toronto’s commitment to anti-racism.


And delete the following: 


2. Reaffirm its support for the existing processes for the naming of City of Toronto assets that have been identified and developed to generate names under consideration for asset renaming and defers decisions on which names to consider to their respective governing processes.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at